So I might have stayed a little long in the tanning bed, but that's no reason for Carole to call me names...
1. Pinkie
2. Lobster
What's next Carole? How many can you come up with? Is this funny to you? I'm in pain because my whole body is red and you just keep laughing. I for one am not finding this funny at all. Ok, maybe it is a little. I took two days off from the tanning bed to give my body a rest, but I want to go back so bad. Who's going to be laughing when I have the super nice tan? Huh? Who's going to me laughing then? Me, that's who! So everyone laugh it up now, but you'll see. And if you can think of more names, let me have it...I would love to hear.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Who freakin' didn't leave a name...I have a rule about that. LEAVE YOUR NAME OR COMMENT WILL BE DELETED!!!!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
What did you do today?

Well, me...I did a lot. First I went great to go tanning. Then I went spent way to much money on a pair of glasses, because oopies, I broke mine last night. My bad. Then I worked out and played and watched tv and cooked some supper. But then, I went to FHE. FHE was pretty darn cool. We went ice skating up at Seven Peaks Arena. And guess what. I remembered I had a camera. So take a look at us having fun ice skating. Hope y'all all had a happy Monday too.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
I have a camera, remember...
Well I don't. I never remember. I go to all these places and I'm like I should take a picture, but without fail, I have forgotten my camera. I just forget I have it I guess. Last night I went to a rodeo up in Ogden and I wanted to take cute pictures of the hot cowboys, and I forgot my camera sitting on my desk. And I always remember it, just not at the right time. Suck! I should strap it to my wrist or something. This might be in the way and all, but at least I would have it when the picture moment arrived.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
So Disturbing!
TV commercials are getting way too out of hand. Like honestly...they are so weird. They're disturbing. It's like I watch it then wonder if I really just saw that. One's that freak me out...Charmin, Cottenell, Lamisil. The little girl in the cottenell commercials does not need to sleep with something soft, and if she does it does not need to be a roll of toilet paper. Freaky. Sorry, some things just freak me out and these days it's like ever single commercial on TV. Tell me what commercials freak you out, because you know that there's one out there.
Not sure what happened...
I changed my format and it turns out that all the links went away. Mary Ruth...maybe when you get done flying around the country you can help me figure out how to fix it. But for now, sorry. But I have to link Melissa's Blog, so since I can't just look at it from here. And when I get the links fixed it will be on the side.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
It's never going to end, is it?
Tonight I worked out for free with a friend at Gold's Gym. But in order to work out free I had to do fill out a paper and I kinda put my phone number on it. Now they will never leave me alone will they? I have an appointment to meet with the guy tomorrow at like 8. But I have no intention on buying a membership. I have a gym, and there are no Gold's in LA, so it would be of no use to me. What did I do? All I wanted was a nice little workout at Gold's. No lie, it was really fun. There was tons of stuff to do, but I don't have money like that to spend on a gym membership. AGH! I'm so stupid. And then I smelt the tanning salon. Now that's what I want to go to. I've actually been thinking about tanning, and I totally think I might. It smelt so good. Working out and tanning...that would be the life. And the diet thing, man, I suck. And "In Cold Blood" gives me nightmares. Oh well...stupid Gold's people. How do I get out of this?
Monday, March 20, 2006
Hey Carole
So this post is just for Carole. I'm conducting an experiment. Is my blog an effective way to communicate with people one-on-one? Probably not...but here it goes.
Hey Carole,
We going to try to make the So. Ut-BYU baseball game tomorrow. It starts at 7 and I don't get off until then, but showing up late wouldn't be too big of a deal since the game will last until 9 or 9:30 anyway. Let me know.
Hey Carole,
We going to try to make the So. Ut-BYU baseball game tomorrow. It starts at 7 and I don't get off until then, but showing up late wouldn't be too big of a deal since the game will last until 9 or 9:30 anyway. Let me know.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Taxes suck. Enough said. Like really, why do we have to pay taxes? I just don't get it. But tax returns can be good if you are lucky enough to get a return. I've filed my taxes for years now and have never gotten over $100 back. Kinda sucks. Work hard, give the government all my money and they give me a lousy $100 back. Well guess what...not anymore. Last year I worked my butt off and my dad helped me out and I'm getting slighty more than $100 back this year. I don't want to say how much I'm getting back, but this will make me very happy. I'll be able to pay for school with a little more saving. Maybe I like taxes. The verdict is still out, but it's looking good for them. And you know what..."Desperate Housewifes" is kinda a good show. I think I might start watching it.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day
I know, I'm a day late, but do you really think I care? No, I don't. But Happy St. Patrick's Day anyway. Yesterday the resident's had a party and they were making hats. It was so much fun. I don't know how to make hats, and I really don't like them, so I made a cool bandana. It was pretty sweet if I do say so myself. Travis just beat the girl in wrestling...GO TRAVIS! I'm getting Kenny tickets today, so it's official. I'm making a trip up to UT in June...and I said I was never going to come back, at least for a while anyway. Oh well, Kenny changed my mind. I'm going to sit up at the temple today just to admire the sights and read my scriptures. I just need to relax a little, and I'm going with a friend. It should be a fun time, but then I have to go into work. It's my weekend, but I really don't mind. I actually kind of like working Saturdays. It's fun. It still don't like working Sundays, and I don't like I ever will. But Saturdays are cool. And next weekend a rodeo. I think I have a great life. Like I told my mom. I'm single, 21, and just having fun. It's the time to have fun right? I mean I want to find a guy and get married, SURE, but it's not happening right now so I'm just going to have fun and enjoy life. And if anyone was wondering about my diet I ask you...what diet? It's been pretty bad. I think I gained all my weight back, but I'm still working out, so that's a good thing I guess. I just decided that food was a too good of a thing to pass up. Lance says hi...I think he's just tapping at the side because he sees me and he wants food, but guess what...I'm not going to give him any right now, so I'll interpret the tap as a hello. Alright, I'm off for now. I know I'm slacking in the updating department so I'll try and get better. Good day all.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Look, new link
It has been brought to my attention that I need to add a new link to my sidebar. So everyone please take the time to visit Mr. Keith's site. But Mr. Keith isn't coming to UT on June 21 with Mr. Dierks and Ms. Carrie...only Mr. Kenny is doing that. That's why I'm making one last trip to UT in June...just to see my man rock USANA! But I do like to make others happy so I will add the link.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Carpet Cleaning Fools
Really, do you need your carpets cleaned at 9 in the morning? Samantha likes to sleep at 9 in the morning, but I swear, at least once a week someone is getting their carpets cleaned. If you would just be more careful and not dirty them so much then you wouldn't need to clean them so often and maybe I could get a little sleep around here. And also, totally different subject, looks like I might be heading back to UT. But only for a day (don't get too excited some of you). I told Carole that if Kenny came to town and she got me tickets then I'd come back for the concert. Guess what...Kenny is coming to town! He will be in Lafayette, LA on April 21st and I'll still be here, so therefore I will miss it. But he'll be at USANA on June 21st. So I already started looking up prices to get here on the 20th or 21st and leave the 22nd. Maybe if Carole is lucky I'll stay a couple of extra days and make a rodeo. I think Lehi Roundup is that weekend. So yeah, I thought I was getting away from Utah and looks like I have to make one more trip. Good luck Carole on getting me tickets...I LOVE KENNY!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Old Friends are the best!

Tonight I was able to get together with some girls from back home and the coolest person ever (no, not you Kristine), Mary Ruth! It was so awesome to see her. She's so great. She's just amazing and I was so happy to see her. And when I move home this summer I'm going to go up and see her more. I love knowing her and being able to say that she is my friend. Here's a picture to show what a great time I had. And today I had Sam Hawk and I saw "Failure to Launch"...pretty much it was a great day. Too bad I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm reading another book. Did I ever tell y'all that the last one I read was "The DaVinci Code"? Well I did. And now I'm reading "In Cold Blood". And I learned that people are reading my blog, so I might have to watch what I talk about. I'm going home in 2 months. I can't believe it. I wish I would hear from UL-L soon. Can anyone get me a job? I need to renew my gym membership, someone remind me to do that. I like Kristine's scale because it said I lost like 10lbs., but I totally didn't. I'm thirsty...maybe I'll go get something to drink. Melissa took some test today and I know she is freaking out about them but I'm sure she did great. She really is like the smartest person I know. I decided that my life is pretty grand. I think I have it pretty good. Yeah me I say, yeah me. Alright...I need to go and watch the weather. Need to know that it's not quite spring, but (from personal experience) if you wear spring clothes you can pretend. Have a great night all, and sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I promise if my life were more exciting the blogs would be too. -Samantha
I got a golden ticket...

Ok, actually it's just a ribbon, but it's so cool. On Friday I played volleyball with some of the people from Mesa Vista and we didn't get a cool medal, but we did get a cool ribbon. It so rocks. Just look at it. It's like the coolest thing EVER. Ok, not quite, but pretty close. I had so much fun playing volleyball. I love the residents and special olympics are cool. Everyone should support special olympics.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Mary Ruth is coming to town!

I am so happy...this weekend I get to see Mary Ruth. She's coming to Provo to visit her parents and I get to see her. That makes me so happy. Now that's all I'm looking forward to is seeing her. That is so going to make my weekend. I am so excited. I can't stop saying that. I'm just so happy to see Mary Ruth. She is like the coolest person ever. She's just amazing and I'm glad that I get to spend a little time with her. I know this weekend is going to rock! This picture is from last year's get together.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Phase 10 ROCKS!
Phase 10 is like the coolest game ever. I literally think I'm addicted. It is so much fun. Growing up I wasn't a big game person, but since I've lived out here I'm gotten into a little more. I like card games and Phase 10 is hands down my favorite. It's like crazy. Last night I didn't get home until after 2 because we had insane games of Phase 10 keeping us up. Then tonight I played again. I'm a viscous player too. I take everything all personal and I want to kick your butt if you screw me over. And last night a girl was telling me that I should learn new games, but I don't think I want to...Phase 10 'til the day I die. Anyway...hope everyone had a happy Monday. I'm down 7lbs., so go me. The Oscars were on last night and I like the Oscars. I was glad that Reese Witherspoon won. "Walk the Line" is up there with my favorite movies, but for some reason nothing is beating out "Dirty Dancing". Has anyone ever done yoga? I thought it might be fun to try. Teach me to breathe better and be more flexible and stuff. I might give it a try or something. I'm so excited that my mom is coming out here in May. We are going to have so much fun. I still haven't heard from UL-L. I hope to hear from them soon though. I really want to go back to school. School is fun. Oh...I helped out some residents from work at Special Olympics on Saturday. They went bowling. It totally was like the most fun thing I ever did. It was so awesome. And everyone there was a better bowler than me. So sad. But yeah, it was so much fun and it made me realize that going to school and majoring in recreational theraphy is totally want I want to do...good thing that's what I decided a while back. My life is good now and I'm happy for that. I think knowing what is right and who I am has helped me so much and has made my life good. The Church is the best thing ever, and that's why I am so happy today, because when all is said and done I know where I'm going and what's ahead for me in the next life. Alright, enough of me. I'm's late. I'm going to bed now. Have a good week, and I promise I'll get better at updating. Just nothing too exciting I guess.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Here's the deal...
I've been real sick. I know I haven't updated in a while, but I haven't been feeling well. I finally made it to the gym last night for the first time since Saturday. I did pretty well. I actually ran for like 5 minutes on the treadmill, after the workout. I can barely run 30 seconds, so 5 minutes was a big accomplishment. The pool is being used for I don't know what this whole week, or I think I can use part of it, but I just decided it would probably be best just to go next week. Have I told you I love swimming. It's so much fun. And I achieved my weight loss goal for February. I lost 5lbs. and my goal for March is 7lbs. I swear everyone at work is on a diet, but it's a good thing because we kind of help each other out. This Saturday is Special Olympic bowling and I'm so excited to go and help out and watch. It's going to be so much fun. I have to work this weekend...but oh well. Next weekend I might go riding horses again. So much fun. Makes me want a horse one day. My friend Jen is getting married and it turns out that I am invited to the wedding, so here is the news everyone has been waiting for.
Crazy huh? I'm moving home on May 16th. My dad is coming up to get me and we are taking me and all my stuff home. I applied to go to UL-L, but I haven't heard back from them yet. If I get in then I guess I'll go to school. If I don't get in then I guess I'll just get a job or something. I, for some reason, want to work at Academy. Wouldn't that be so much fun? So yeah, that's my big news, I'm leaving Utah and heading back to Louisiana. Maybe there I'll find a husband. Highly unlikely though. :( Sad day. Anyway. So it's a done deal I guess, I've posted it, that makes it a done deal. Alright, I'm going to go and get ready for work. Everyone have a great Friday!
Crazy huh? I'm moving home on May 16th. My dad is coming up to get me and we are taking me and all my stuff home. I applied to go to UL-L, but I haven't heard back from them yet. If I get in then I guess I'll go to school. If I don't get in then I guess I'll just get a job or something. I, for some reason, want to work at Academy. Wouldn't that be so much fun? So yeah, that's my big news, I'm leaving Utah and heading back to Louisiana. Maybe there I'll find a husband. Highly unlikely though. :( Sad day. Anyway. So it's a done deal I guess, I've posted it, that makes it a done deal. Alright, I'm going to go and get ready for work. Everyone have a great Friday!
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