Sunday, April 30, 2006

Your mom goes to college...

I know that there are a lot of people out there that do not want me talking about this, and quite frankly I'm a little confused at what they're true intentions are anyway, so I have to tell y'all all...I'M GOING TO COLLEGE!!! I found out Thursday that I've been excepted into ULL. I'm way excited. Now I know why I'm going home. It makes it a little easier now. And Friday at work I started training. That was a little odd. It's hitting me. I'm not just quitting. If I were just quitting a job it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm leaving my life as a know it and changing everything, and that's a little scary. But hey, what you going to do? Anyway. I just had to share with everyone that I'm going to go to college. Hopefully this time I'll finish. :)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Chillin' in the Canyon!

Saturday was the most perfect day of the year thus far. We went up to Provo Canyon and had a lovely pinice with hot dogs. It was so beautiful. It was just a pretty day and I got so much accomplished I feel. I got my hair done, bought some socks, went up the canyon, and went to Cabela's. Now that was the sweetest store ever. And Carole got me my birthday gift. Thank you Carole. Carole really is an awesome person. Why someone as cool as her would hang out with a little kid like me, I don't know, but she does and it's great! I love you Carole!!! Alright, here are some pictures of us having fun up the Canyon. Hope everyone had a happy Sunday.

Friday, April 21, 2006


I am the coolest because I am Samantha! I am an exception to the rule because I'm Samantha!! I don't have to wear a hairnet because I am Samantha!! I was asked why I didn't have to wear a hairnet in the kitchen and it's pretty much becaues I'm Samantha and I don't have to. I'm just the coolest. I don't have to do anything I don't want becaxuse I am Samantha. Do you dget the point, I am Samantha and that will never change!!!! And I have to use !! because Carole said so. And I hate text messaging fights.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter. Hope everyone has a good day, and it's a beautiful Sunday here in Utah. Too bad I have to work. I promise I'll try and blog something cool this week. I've been a HUGE slacker.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I don't have a cool title...

5:45 is going to come awful early in the moring. I'm dishwashing this week to earn some extra money, but the only downfall is I have to be at work at 6:45. So of course I have to get up and get ready. I can do it though, I'll just have to take a nap when I get home so I can go in later and cook. It'll be fun. I like dishwashing. It's actually kinda fun, but I like cooking more. Tonight I cooked for Carole and Kristine and Jen. We had catfish, then RMCF. Nice night I thought. I hope everyone had a great time. And isn't country music like the best music ever. That was a random thought, but I'd thought I'd share. Ok, I'm going to bed so I can get up early in the morning. And I did bring my camera tonight, but totally forgot to take pictures. Good night all.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Look what I got!

So a few people in the recent DAY have pointed out to me that he's gay, but I don't care, look at what I got!!! Kenny, Dierks, and Carrie June 21st. I'm so there.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another Countdown...

Days until Samantha turns 22:

29 Days!


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bats, balls, and guys in tight pants...

Last night I played with Carole after a long and exhausting day. It's way to complicated to explain, so I'm just not going to. But to end the night we went to a baseball game and then we went and ate out at Chili's. It was a fun night. I took some pictures:

1.This is me shivering because it was cold and I was wearing shorts.

2.This is a guy's butt.

3.This is the game.

4.This is Carole enjoying her favorite pasttime.

And I figured out why people weren't able to post comments to my blog...I set some kind of blocker. Not quite sure what happened, but I fixed it, so comments are more than welcomed.


Today is April 1st, and it is also the coolest little brother in the world's birthday. Travis is 14 today. So now he can start going to stake dances. How scary is that!? Today was also the state wrestling meet, and because Travis is the greatest he took 1st place. He was so happy, even though I am a little mad at him because he thought it would be funny to call me at 5:30 this morning. News flash: it wasn't funny! But I guess I can forgive him just because he is so darn cute. So congratulations to Travis. I'm so proud of him.
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