Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ahoy Mate!
Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day so everyone have a great day and don't forget to talk like a pirate.
Monday, September 18, 2006
I want to go back to Utah
I want to go back to Utah...oh wait, I said that. I like Louisiana. I like it a lot. I love school, and well, school. I went to institute in Lafayette on Thursday, and that was really fun. But I miss Utah. Funny story...if I were going to go RIGHT NOW I'd have a place to stay. So weird how that turns out. But I like school. But I could do school there right? But would my mom like it? I wouldn't go now, but could I go in January? Man, I'm so confused. Louisiana it is I guess, for the time being.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My Life List
Alright, so I really don't have one, but I've been hearing a lot about them lately and I decided that I need one. I'm going to make my Top 100 list. It'll have the obvious like getting married and having kids, but I'll dig deep and get some good ones. So I want everyone out there to make their life list too, and let me know what's some of the things you'll have on it.
Guess how many state troopers I saw on the way to Lafayette on Tuesday
Total interstate driving time: 56 minutes
Total interstate driving time: 56 minutes
Monday, September 11, 2006
If you knew where I was from this would be so funny to you too
I found this on some dude's myspace and thought it was sooooo funny. I don't know who came up with it but the sad part is that it's so true. The language isn't that great, so sorry for that. Read and laugh, because I did.
You kno if your a SC Tarpon if...
You know your a South Cameron Tarpon if..
1. You have ever told a cop that you were related to Sono Savoie to get out of trouble.
2. You know that there is no difference between Sha Sha's, Adeline's, and the Creole Food Mart.
3. Your worst childhood memory was when the Tarpon Freezo burnt down.
4. If your most valuable thing you own is whatever's left of your house.
5. You know the difference between "The Front" and "The Front Ridge".
6. You have ever gone to church on the front ridge because you were too hung over to go Sacred Heart.
7. You know who "Jimbo" is.
8. You have ever driven drunk to Kajon at midnight to get some boudin and Tasso.
9. When old people tell a story, it either happened "before" Audrey or "after" Audrey.
10. You have ever walked down main street in Cameron with a loaded shotgun and a beer, and nobody cared.
11. The biggest evet of tha year was the fur festival and it was ur favorite holiday
12. You have ever had an excused absence from school because you were alligator hunting. duck hunitng, or trapping nutria.
13. You think that everybody that lives in Johnson Bayou are related to each other.
14. When you say your going to the store, you mean Rudy's.
15. You refer to the store as Rudy's, even though it's called Jerome's.
16. You still still refer to Pishou's Place as Galtins.
17. You knew who "Big Jean" at Gaspard's was, and how she got hit while walking on the side of the road.
18. You lived on a ridge.
19. You have ever shot ducks while driving your truck.
20. You have ever raced your vehicle down Mr Bobby Conners road
21. You had a charge account at Lynn Miller's or Boudin Brother's.
22. You ever celebrated the 4th of July on Holly or Rutherford Beach.
23. The most important thing you took when you evacuated from Hurricane Rita was all the guns in your house.
24. Your favorite place to eat was Subway...
25. You Knew over 5 people who were pregnant before they graduated High School....
26. You skipped school to go fishing...
27. You got up at 3 am to go hunting.. then showed up at school and slept thru the first 2 classes...
28. If you took typing or Acct. with Belle Hession, you know Debits on the Left and Credits on the Right and you know how to impersonate her when she describes double space and triple space.
29. When people say 'the red light' or 'the Y', you know exactly where they are talking about
30. You went to the Alligator Harvest Festival to watch 'the boat races', which were actually drunk people in little fishing boats.
31. You had your picture put in the Cameron Pilot for what seems like nothing at all.
32. You know that u better never whistle in the cafeteria cuz shirley bonsall will jump on your
33. you know that there is hardly any weddings between august through december because its football season and no one would ever risk the chance of mising a game
34. You remember "Sonny Boy" riding his bicycle from Creole to Cameron with his white socks pulled up to his knees.
35. You have almost got in a wreck because the old dude that directed traffic in front of tha school has no clue what and the hell he is doing
36. Wayne Toups played at your after graduation party.
37. You got drunk with your parents and grandparents at your after prom party.
38. Your idea of an after prom party was a drunken bon-fire on Rutherford Beach.
39. Dr. Sanders has diagnosed you with Asthma.
40. You have had a shot from Mary Francis that came with a bruise that lasted 2 weeks and fear of her for the rest of your life.
41. Your wedding reception was at the fire station.
43. You dont know a damn thing about Civics after sitting though a whole year of Pete Picou's Civics class, but you do know how to clean the trash out of the stadium bleachers after a track meet.
44. You know why Mrs. Boudreaux's tongue and fingers are various ink colors and her overhead projector smells like spit.
45. You took biology with Coach Thomas and the most you learned was how to cheat successfuly, and all he managed to teach was that girls with boobs get their way and are a great distraction (so the rest of the class can Ace the biology test in 2 min.)
46. Mark Boudin filled up you vehicle AND wiped your windshield clean as a whistle while talking about pointless crap and keeping you from getting anywhere on time.
47. You know Mrs. Loretta Theriot's cat can say "ham"
48. Over half of your high school teachers were called "Coach"
49. It didnt take you long to discover while taking biology you didn't have to rush to beat the tardy bell to get to that class b/c even if you had a broken leg and were carrying all your books on your back you were still gonna beat Coach Thomas to the classroom. And you're still wondering how he made it there without passing out.
50. You know that ur favorite week of the year was when it was homecoming week and you got to see what people dressed up for this year and who would win.
51. You know what the letters in FEMA stand for.
52. School was canceled because of a playoff game. (more than once)
53. When you have a one night stand and the GIRL never returns your phone calls.
54. You know what "goin hunting without a gun means"
55. If you are excused from school, cuz the Grand Chenier bridge broke....again.
56. Joey?
57. If you ever been flicked off by a complete stranger, and then realize you were wearing a Tarpons shirt.
58. If someone has harrassed you because they make jokes about Tarpons being "tampons".
59. If you refer to dressing up as wearing a tarpon t-shirt, w/ a pair of jeans and potatoe shoes.
60. If you ever been froggin' in the off season, w/ flip flops, a fifth of crown, and your cell phone in your bra.
61. If you ever had to wear a pair of hip boots to get out your drive way in the mornings.
62. If you've actually been caught buying dyson boots, and the checkout lady cracks a joke about cameron reabox.
63. If your first kiss was in the "dark room" under the football stadium..
64. If you refered to Lil' Mexico as the ghetto.
65. If you can call ducks w/o a duck call. Or have gotten suspended for it.
66. Your idea of saying "hey", is having one hand on the steering wheel, while lifting your beer can and sticking our your finger.
67. you ever got kicked out of a football game for telling the ref to go himself.
68. you haven't became a "man" until you recieve your lettermans jacket.
69. you ever taken a week off of school to go work cows (even though it only takes 2 day, you still need time to get over that hangover, and get out the hospital for dehyrating)
70. your one of the only people that can say that u actually ran to be first in the lunch line cuz everyone knows our food is tha
71. If you have known someone since kindergarten, but have no idea what their real name is.
72. If you ever been to confession and the priest asks you how's your grandmother is doing
8:52 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
You kno if your a SC Tarpon if...
You know your a South Cameron Tarpon if..
1. You have ever told a cop that you were related to Sono Savoie to get out of trouble.
2. You know that there is no difference between Sha Sha's, Adeline's, and the Creole Food Mart.
3. Your worst childhood memory was when the Tarpon Freezo burnt down.
4. If your most valuable thing you own is whatever's left of your house.
5. You know the difference between "The Front" and "The Front Ridge".
6. You have ever gone to church on the front ridge because you were too hung over to go Sacred Heart.
7. You know who "Jimbo" is.
8. You have ever driven drunk to Kajon at midnight to get some boudin and Tasso.
9. When old people tell a story, it either happened "before" Audrey or "after" Audrey.
10. You have ever walked down main street in Cameron with a loaded shotgun and a beer, and nobody cared.
11. The biggest evet of tha year was the fur festival and it was ur favorite holiday
12. You have ever had an excused absence from school because you were alligator hunting. duck hunitng, or trapping nutria.
13. You think that everybody that lives in Johnson Bayou are related to each other.
14. When you say your going to the store, you mean Rudy's.
15. You refer to the store as Rudy's, even though it's called Jerome's.
16. You still still refer to Pishou's Place as Galtins.
17. You knew who "Big Jean" at Gaspard's was, and how she got hit while walking on the side of the road.
18. You lived on a ridge.
19. You have ever shot ducks while driving your truck.
20. You have ever raced your vehicle down Mr Bobby Conners road
21. You had a charge account at Lynn Miller's or Boudin Brother's.
22. You ever celebrated the 4th of July on Holly or Rutherford Beach.
23. The most important thing you took when you evacuated from Hurricane Rita was all the guns in your house.
24. Your favorite place to eat was Subway...
25. You Knew over 5 people who were pregnant before they graduated High School....
26. You skipped school to go fishing...
27. You got up at 3 am to go hunting.. then showed up at school and slept thru the first 2 classes...
28. If you took typing or Acct. with Belle Hession, you know Debits on the Left and Credits on the Right and you know how to impersonate her when she describes double space and triple space.
29. When people say 'the red light' or 'the Y', you know exactly where they are talking about
30. You went to the Alligator Harvest Festival to watch 'the boat races', which were actually drunk people in little fishing boats.
31. You had your picture put in the Cameron Pilot for what seems like nothing at all.
32. You know that u better never whistle in the cafeteria cuz shirley bonsall will jump on your
33. you know that there is hardly any weddings between august through december because its football season and no one would ever risk the chance of mising a game
34. You remember "Sonny Boy" riding his bicycle from Creole to Cameron with his white socks pulled up to his knees.
35. You have almost got in a wreck because the old dude that directed traffic in front of tha school has no clue what and the hell he is doing
36. Wayne Toups played at your after graduation party.
37. You got drunk with your parents and grandparents at your after prom party.
38. Your idea of an after prom party was a drunken bon-fire on Rutherford Beach.
39. Dr. Sanders has diagnosed you with Asthma.
40. You have had a shot from Mary Francis that came with a bruise that lasted 2 weeks and fear of her for the rest of your life.
41. Your wedding reception was at the fire station.
43. You dont know a damn thing about Civics after sitting though a whole year of Pete Picou's Civics class, but you do know how to clean the trash out of the stadium bleachers after a track meet.
44. You know why Mrs. Boudreaux's tongue and fingers are various ink colors and her overhead projector smells like spit.
45. You took biology with Coach Thomas and the most you learned was how to cheat successfuly, and all he managed to teach was that girls with boobs get their way and are a great distraction (so the rest of the class can Ace the biology test in 2 min.)
46. Mark Boudin filled up you vehicle AND wiped your windshield clean as a whistle while talking about pointless crap and keeping you from getting anywhere on time.
47. You know Mrs. Loretta Theriot's cat can say "ham"
48. Over half of your high school teachers were called "Coach"
49. It didnt take you long to discover while taking biology you didn't have to rush to beat the tardy bell to get to that class b/c even if you had a broken leg and were carrying all your books on your back you were still gonna beat Coach Thomas to the classroom. And you're still wondering how he made it there without passing out.
50. You know that ur favorite week of the year was when it was homecoming week and you got to see what people dressed up for this year and who would win.
51. You know what the letters in FEMA stand for.
52. School was canceled because of a playoff game. (more than once)
53. When you have a one night stand and the GIRL never returns your phone calls.
54. You know what "goin hunting without a gun means"
55. If you are excused from school, cuz the Grand Chenier bridge broke....again.
56. Joey?
57. If you ever been flicked off by a complete stranger, and then realize you were wearing a Tarpons shirt.
58. If someone has harrassed you because they make jokes about Tarpons being "tampons".
59. If you refer to dressing up as wearing a tarpon t-shirt, w/ a pair of jeans and potatoe shoes.
60. If you ever been froggin' in the off season, w/ flip flops, a fifth of crown, and your cell phone in your bra.
61. If you ever had to wear a pair of hip boots to get out your drive way in the mornings.
62. If you've actually been caught buying dyson boots, and the checkout lady cracks a joke about cameron reabox.
63. If your first kiss was in the "dark room" under the football stadium..
64. If you refered to Lil' Mexico as the ghetto.
65. If you can call ducks w/o a duck call. Or have gotten suspended for it.
66. Your idea of saying "hey", is having one hand on the steering wheel, while lifting your beer can and sticking our your finger.
67. you ever got kicked out of a football game for telling the ref to go himself.
68. you haven't became a "man" until you recieve your lettermans jacket.
69. you ever taken a week off of school to go work cows (even though it only takes 2 day, you still need time to get over that hangover, and get out the hospital for dehyrating)
70. your one of the only people that can say that u actually ran to be first in the lunch line cuz everyone knows our food is tha
71. If you have known someone since kindergarten, but have no idea what their real name is.
72. If you ever been to confession and the priest asks you how's your grandmother is doing
8:52 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment
I needed to share...
I found this online and felt I needed to share. Kristine will appreciate this totally.
Editor's Note: When EW.com senior writer Michael Slezak wrote an open letter on PopWatch breaking up with CSI: Miami in time for the new fall season, several readers were also inspired to end their relationships with shows they once loved but are now fed up with. In fact, we got more than 100 responses, with readers airing their frustrations about Smallville, The O.C., ER, and other series they felt had jilted them — with frustrating plot lines, screwy schedules, and more. We were so amused that we selected the best breakup letters and compiled this gallery... read on for the dramatic dumpings!
Dear Gilmore Girls,
Wow! What can I say? You disappointed me over and over again this year... I made time for you EVERY week, even when you took inexplicably long breaks and showed reruns. I defended you to people who thought you were just a fast-talking, elitist weirdo. In short, I loved you. But truthfully, in the back of my mind, I knew something was wrong.
You turned the otherwise strong Lorelai into a douchebag. You transformed Luke into a clueless man who I constantly wanted to punch in the throat. You made Rory whinier than ever. And don't get me started on the whole ''Luke's got a daughter'' plot line! GG, what's up with that? I know I came to appreciate you a little late — after season 2 — but GG, when I found you, I was faithful. But you do all of this...and then, to make matters worse, you let those [fill in your favorite derogatory term] at [The CW] give a half-butt offer to Amy Sherman-Palladino, the brains of the operation??? Are you crazy, GG? She was the heart of the show. I can't deal with any mediocrity next year. Look, either it's discovered that Luke and Lorelai's change in behavior was really a mysterious brain disorder caused by the Stars Hollow water supply that made them dumb for a season, or I'm out da do'.
...and this time I'm serious.
P.S. If Lorelai ends up with Christopher, I'm filing a restraining order.
Editor's Note: When EW.com senior writer Michael Slezak wrote an open letter on PopWatch breaking up with CSI: Miami in time for the new fall season, several readers were also inspired to end their relationships with shows they once loved but are now fed up with. In fact, we got more than 100 responses, with readers airing their frustrations about Smallville, The O.C., ER, and other series they felt had jilted them — with frustrating plot lines, screwy schedules, and more. We were so amused that we selected the best breakup letters and compiled this gallery... read on for the dramatic dumpings!
Dear Gilmore Girls,
Wow! What can I say? You disappointed me over and over again this year... I made time for you EVERY week, even when you took inexplicably long breaks and showed reruns. I defended you to people who thought you were just a fast-talking, elitist weirdo. In short, I loved you. But truthfully, in the back of my mind, I knew something was wrong.
You turned the otherwise strong Lorelai into a douchebag. You transformed Luke into a clueless man who I constantly wanted to punch in the throat. You made Rory whinier than ever. And don't get me started on the whole ''Luke's got a daughter'' plot line! GG, what's up with that? I know I came to appreciate you a little late — after season 2 — but GG, when I found you, I was faithful. But you do all of this...and then, to make matters worse, you let those [fill in your favorite derogatory term] at [The CW] give a half-butt offer to Amy Sherman-Palladino, the brains of the operation??? Are you crazy, GG? She was the heart of the show. I can't deal with any mediocrity next year. Look, either it's discovered that Luke and Lorelai's change in behavior was really a mysterious brain disorder caused by the Stars Hollow water supply that made them dumb for a season, or I'm out da do'.
...and this time I'm serious.
P.S. If Lorelai ends up with Christopher, I'm filing a restraining order.
New home for Lance and Andre
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Who knew quitting a job could be so much fun...
I sure didn't. Wednesday was my last day at the valet parking thing and I was so happy when I left that place. Working my butt off and getting paid crap sucked. I've only quit 3 jobs in my life...that's sad, I've only had three jobs. The first was Veg Prep and the only reason I quit was because I quit school and I couldn't work there if I wasn't a student. It kinda sucked to quit, but I had another job when I quit so the transition wasn't so bad. Plus, I went back to visit every Monday for like 4 months. Then there was Mesa Vista, and the only reason I quit there was because I was moving...to another state! I still hate myself for quitting that job. I loved it. I loved the work and loved the people I worked with. It was seriously the greatest job and I miss it every day. So now I'm up to job #3 and I hated every minute of that job. I only had really great job that I didnt' know that I could hate a job so much. It was such a relief when I finally quit. I had been saying I would do it all summer and then I did it. Man, I love not having to go there. Friday was so nice. I didn't have to wake up and go there. I just bummed all day long. But then it hit me...I have no money. I got to get another one of those job things. How much does that suck. So the plan...valet at the casino.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Driving to Lafayette with no job
Every Tuesday and Thursday I make the long trek to Lafayette. It really isn't a bad drive. It usually takes about an hour and 20 minutes. I've done it in less. The worst part is between Jennings and Crowley. There really is nothing. I play with the radio and try to keep my mind off of the drive and on other things and it goes by really fast. I usually never see cops, but this morning I saw like 6...good thing I was going the speed limit. But guess what, I quit my job. So now I have to drive to Lafayette and back and eat two meals with...NO MONEY! Dang it, why did I quit? Oh yeah, because I had a crappy job. Not that the job was that crappy but because the pay sucked. And then this woman up on 10 Tower was like oh yeah, I'll hire you...THEN SHE DIDN'T. So now I for reals got to get a job or I am going to be up a creek big time. Oh well, we'll see how long I can do it. I betting the money will last like a week, so pray that I can find another job in a week!!!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Kenny Concert

One story that happened this summer that I can't not talk about is my trip to UT and the Kenny concert. The concert was June 21. One month after I moved home I was back in my favorite place. Man I miss that place. I got to do all kinds of fun things while in Utah. I ate at Sam Hawk and got to go to RMCF and I stayed at Kristine's and had so much fun. And then I went to the concert with one of my good friends from when I was like born. Two years ago we were supposed to go to a Kenny concert and it didn't turn out quite right, so this was our second chance. It's not how it was planned, but it worked out in the end. It was great. It took everything I had to come back home, and I'll still wondering why I'm in LA and not in UT. I sure hope I figure it out soon. Anyway, here are some pictures of that oh so fun night. And by the way, Dierks Bently can't dance :)
Big Brother
For the past 7 summers I've been addicted to Big Brother. It's seriously sick how much I like to watch these people live in a house and eat slop all summer long. But for some reason I find it fascinating. And when I miss a show I can watch it at online, so really I can never miss an episode. Just so wrong. Anyway, that's my Big Brother rant. I don't know what I need to tell y'all, so if you got some questions about the summer let me know and I'll blog about it, but if not this is going to be all about school and how much I miss UT.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I'm Back
To all my faithful readers:
I'm sorry I'm such a slacker. I moved to Louisiana on May 15, 2006 and not once over the last 3 1/2 months did I inform you of my life. But that's about to change. I'm going to start doing this again so y'all can know how I'm doing. I'm not going to bore you and back track and tell you about my life all summer, I'll just start from now. I might have to talk about some cool things, like the Kenny concert, but I'll keep it simple. So get excited and I'll be hitting you with some good stuff, and when I say faithful readers I mean Mary Ruth.
I'm sorry I'm such a slacker. I moved to Louisiana on May 15, 2006 and not once over the last 3 1/2 months did I inform you of my life. But that's about to change. I'm going to start doing this again so y'all can know how I'm doing. I'm not going to bore you and back track and tell you about my life all summer, I'll just start from now. I might have to talk about some cool things, like the Kenny concert, but I'll keep it simple. So get excited and I'll be hitting you with some good stuff, and when I say faithful readers I mean Mary Ruth.
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