So for about a week now I've had this uncontrollable urge to go swimming, but it's the middle of January. There has got to be an indoor pool somewhere right? And swimming is seriously like the best workout ever. I love it. Maybe I'll go swimming, if my swimsuit even fits. And last week I lost my camera and I've been frantically searching for it for like a week and Amanda was all like you'll find it and all, and you know where I finally found it after tearing up EVERYTHING I own...AMANDA'S CAR. And last night was night two at my new home, and I haven't been sleeping very well. So I'm lying there at like 12:30 (then still around 3, but this happened at 12:30) and I heard this noise like something went running by the window, then, seconds later the cats starting fighting in the front then the one was yelling and I just had to laugh because I thought it would be so great if they all decided to finally run away, but then my grandma would be sad so maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I start my new job today. Woohoo. And check out Camp ASCCA. This is where I want to work over the summer because I think it'll be the best learning experience ever. Ok, I'm going now. Happy Monday.
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Hey Samantha,
Good to hear you're interested in working at Camp ASCCA.
If you haven't seen them yet, please check out the applications on the blog's front page. I just put them up there. - left sidebar under Applications.
Good to find your blog.
Take care.
Robert, Camp ASCCA
Hey Samantha, if you want to swim for exercise the Sulphur Aquatic Center is the place. I workout there, if you want to go with me I'll take you. It's $5 (out of district) and you can workout, swim, play racquetball or whatever.
Hey! Did you go swimming?
So so happy you are posting! The camp looks very cool!
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