So I went to work today and left an hour later with what I thought was a broken toe. Turns out the toe was not broken, but it still hurts really bad. I was getting something out of the freezer today and the top shelf of the freezer broke and out came the contents of the shelf. Among them was a ham. A frozen solid ham. And where did it land? Well right on my left big toe. DANG IT HURTS!!! I went over to the hospital and they did the whole x-ray thing and said it wasn't broken, just bruised real bad. I have to take these pain meds and put ice on it for a day or two, and I'll be limping for a while, but it'll be ok. Also turns out I got the day off of work. Now I'm watching LSU beat Miami...GO TIGERS!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bring Back My Gilmore Girls
I likey my Gilmore Girls and I want them back. There hasn't been a new episode since the before THANKSGIVING!!! Kristine promises me that a new episode is scheduled for January 10th. She better be telling me the truth. Why has it been so long? Tell me now! I'm starting to have major withdraws, but hopefully it'll get better

I'm Back In UT

So yesterday I flew back to UT. I had a good flight and all, but I think I made the mistake of heading straight back to work. I was so tired. But last night when I got home I went right to bed. I had a great night's sleep. And I woke up at a decent That never happens. But it's a good thing because I have a busy morning. Of all the things I need to do one is not install my digital camera on my computer, but I'm going to do it anyway. The other things are just paying bills, so I would rather do this anyway. I missed work a lot. I love the residents. I'm going to have to take pictures of them. Today, hopefully, I'm going to get my car fixed. And if the car is lucky...I might even wash it. It is so dirty. I think I am going to go down to the car wash. And to the bank, and pay my Sprint bill. Told you I had a busy day. So here's a little story. Alligators don't like salt water. They live in fresh. So after the hurricane all this salt water came in and the allitgators ran. Were there is only so much marsh they can run to, so at the end of the marsh they kinda all congregated. They are still there just in packs. And it's winter now so they usually hibernate, but it's too warm so they're still out. Here are some pictures of them. It's cool seeing so many.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Last Night In Louisiana
So tonight is my last night in Louisiana. I'm sad it's coming to an end, but I am happy I'm heading back to UT. I want to say a quick congratulations to Jen and Chris who got engaged last week. Now it's just me left. Have to find that guy. Today I went down to Cameron and took some pics. Maybe when I decided to be unlazy I'll go and get my camera and post some pics. Probably will be tomorrow. I'm leaving for Houston at 5:30, fun. And I have to work tomorrow. That's no fun, I mean it is, but not right after you get off a plane. A girl needs a nap or something. Last night my mom took me to Outback...that has got to be the best place ever. I love Outback...SO GOOD! I saw two movies yesterday. Rumor Has It... I would recommend, and The Ringer was ok. I liked it because of the acting done by the mentally handicaped people. They were so cute. The story line on the other hand...could have been better. Did I tell you I got a camera for Christmas? I was just wondering. Earlier today I had some cool stuff to tell you, but now I'm tired, so I can't think of anything. Oh, if you are going to post please leave your name...I don't like this anonymous stuff...don't know who you are. Alright, that's probably it. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Bonding Time With Deil and Aaron
So today is Christmas Eve. I'm been lazy today because yesterday I spent all day watching my little brother wrestle. It was so fun. He actually did a pretty good job, and it was cool seeing him wrestle again. It's been a while. Today I am making blankets. They're the kind that you fringe the edges and tie. So I did one for my mom, and now I'm doing some with my cousins Deil and Aaron. It's so funny to see these two teenage boys be so into making blankets. It's really fun though, and I'm having a good time. This blog is really just a shout out to DEIL!!! He's a stud. Well, everyone have a Merry Christmas. My next blog I should have a picture because you know what I'm getting...YEAH!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
So if you ever think about taking a red eye...don't. It wasn't that bad, but bad enough that I got no sleep. None at all. I was so tired. But when I got home I took a really long nap. I saw my new house yesterday. It's pretty cool. When I get my camera I'll take a picture and let y'all see it too. I also found a pair of boots yesterday, but today I'm going to go look around some more to see if I can find a better pair. Tomorrow Travis has a wrestling meet, so I get to see him wrestle. My vacation is packed. I woke up at 6 this morning which is crazy because I usually wake up at 11. But I got 8 hours of sleep, so I'm ready to go. Alright, well I'm going to finish getting ready for the day. Later.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Good Luck Melissa!
The Christmas Cruise and did I tell you...I'm going HOME!!!
So I was informed by one of my loyal readers that I needed to update my blog before I went home today. So I guess I'll do it. I actually didn't realize it's been three days. Oops. Have I ever told you how much I like my job? When I get my digital camera I'm going to have to take pictures of the residents. I love them. Well last night I went with them on the Christmas Cruise. I've never heard of it, but it's down in Provo on the Provo River. They have lights on the river and you get in this boat and you go up the river and down the river looking at lights, then Santa comes up in a canoe and hangs out with you for a while. It's pretty cool, but I think the best part is seeing the residents and how happy they are. They were so excited. It was awesome. So tonight I'M GOING HOME! I should be packing, but instead I enjoy sleeping and playing on the computer more. Maybe after my shower I'll get some more stuff done. I actually did start packing, so I'm pretty much half way there. This red eye thing is going to be fun. So tonight there is a special on T.V. called "Heaven: Where is it? How do I get there?" and I think everyone should watch it. And if you come away a little confused then go to this website. It might make things a little better to understand, at least from my point of view. I like to be open minded, but sometimes I just don't understand how people believe what they do. Anyways...I'm going to work then home, so it might be a day or two before I come back, but I will post some more, so people out there who worry (you know who you are) I'll be back before Christmas.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
The Goonies

Isn't the goonies one of the coolest movies ever? I love this movie, and just recently I've started thinking about how awesome it is. Visit
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Nothing Interesting
So nothing really interesting is going on, so I decided just to tell y'all what I've been doing for the past few days. On Wednesdsay I went to work and I asked this lady if she would serve out for me on Friday because I had plans. She told me that she didn't like the pizza dough I used so she was just going to come in all day Friday and make her own pizza dough. That means I got the day off. Yeah! I got my hair down yesterday, and then a group of us went up to Temple Square to look at the lights. They were pretty, but we got there a little late so we weren't able to see everything. We then got caramel apples at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory-the best place EVER. Then my roommate and I saw this house on the news. This man puts lights up and they are n'sync to a radio station that plays Christmas music. So you drive passed his house and listen to that station and the lights move and sing and all kinds of stuff. It's up in Murray and it was AMAZING. I was so impressed. Really, it was cool. So today I think I'm making another trip to Park City. I seem to be going there a lot lately. I finished my Christmas shopping this week, so that was exciting. Now I have to wrap stuff, and I don't like wrapping stuff. I go home in 3 days. WOW! I can't wait to go home. Ok, so if you really think about it, it's more like 4, but oh well. Alright, well I guess that's my life for the moment. Later.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
$22.55 BABY!

So I decided I could use some extra cash. I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and thought I could use extra cash to pay for that. I also decided that I had too many clothes taking up room in my closet. I put two and two together and decided to sell my clothes. There is this cool place called Plato's Closet that will buy my clothes. How cool is that? So I took a bag of clothes down there this morning. They gave me back a few pairs of pants and a shirt or two. I guess I'll have to make a trip down to DI, because I surely don't want them. But they also gave me $22.55. It's not a lot, but hey, it's $22.55. Sweet. Who knew you could do this. I recommend everyone doing this, it's a cool deal.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Chronicles of Narnia and Donny Osmond

So last Friday I was able to go see Chronicles of Narnia on opening night. And thanks to my good friend Kristine IT WAS FREE! We get to enter the theater first and watch everyone come in and rush to their seats. I didn't realize this movie was that big of a deal, but it is. So I'm sitting there with Kristine, watching people, and texting on my phone. Then this guy walks in who I swear is Donny Osmond. I was a little unsure, but then he walks by again, and this time I'm certain. It was so Donny Osmond. I tell Kristine and she laughs uncontrollably hard. Of course she doesn't believe me, why would she. Does Donny Osmond really goe to the movies in Provo, UT? Of course he does, he lives there. So the movie goes on (which was great, go see it) and we leave and never think of Donny Osmond (like how I keep using his full name like he's famous or something) again. So today Kristine IMs me and says that she randomly read somewhere that Friday was Donny Osmond's birthday. And what do you do on your birthday, you go to dinner and a movie. It was so Donny Osmond at Narnia, I don't care what anyone says!
Monday, December 12, 2005
I've Given Up On Ebay
So...I gave ebay a shot for what, 5 days? Now I'm giving it up. It's too much stress, and how do you know you're really going to like what you get anyway. So I'm not going to do it anymore. But it is fun looking, I'll probably continue doing that. I would also like to say WELCOME BACK MARY RUTH! Alright, 8 days.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Just Plain Randomness

Randomness starts off with a random picture of ME!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! What's the deal with everyone trying to say Happy Holidays? I don't get it. It's Christmas right, so why not say Christmas? I'm so confused by the whole thing. At other holidays we say the name of the holiday, not something else, so at Christmas we need to say CHRISTMAS!! It's not that hard.
Other than that, not much going on? I do wonder where Mary Ruth went? I haven't talked to you in forever. Maybe stop in a say hi to a little ole' girl who lives in Utah.
So speaking of Christmas...14 days, and even better...9 days until I go home. YEAH!! I like to go home. And I'll get to see my new house, so that should be fun.
I want to go look at Christmas lights, so if anyone knows someone who will go with me, let me know. And if it's a guy, that could be a plus. I just want a that too much to ask?
Alright, I guess I'll quick rambling now.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
My First Bidding Experience
So I've bought a few things off of Ebay before, but I've never bidded. Today I ventured into the evil Ebay bidding world. It is a scary place. And you get crazy when you bid. Man I wanted to win so bad. So I wanted a pair of blue jeans. I need a new pair because I got fat and now all of mine are too small, but I don't have money to buy new ones, so I figured I would bid on some. I found a pair I liked the other day and today was the last day, so I did it...I bidded! My first bid was $15. I was quickly out-bid, so I upped it to $15.50. I put my max. bid at $17. I had to go to work before the auction ended, so I had to let fate take it's coarse. I wasn't able to come home after work because I went to the movies, but I checked my bidding on my phone. The pants sold for $18.50...stupid Ebay.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Can All Guys Be This Nice?
Alright, so this is going to be quick, but it meant so much to me. So on Monday night I texted this guy in my ward and asked him if he wanted to hang out. We've never really hung out before, but we do know each other, and I was bored. Well soon after I got tired and I decided I was going to go to bed and really forgot I texted this guy. He never texted me back. No big deal. Most people I know, male or female, would, on the next time I saw them, tell me "hey, I got your text the other day. Sorry I didn't write back, I was busy." And I would have said "no big deal, it's alright." But this guy did not do that. He called me on Tuesday night and apologized for not texting me back. He got in late and figured it was too late to call, so he waited to call me at a better time. I swear it was the nicest thing. It meant so much to me that he took the time to call and apologize. I don't know, to me that was so special. Why can't all guys be this nice? I think if every guy I knew were this nice I might actually have a boyfriend by now :).
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
My New House's been a while huh? I promise I'm going to get better at this, and it's going to get cooler too. But for now, this is it. So, those of you who don't know, back in September there was this crazy hurricane named Rita and it ripped right through my home town and distroyed everything. My family lost their house. I thought that I didn't have many things left at home, but the more I think about it the more I did. My family has been living in a camper trailer for the past few months in front of my aunt's house in Lake Charles. Recently they purchased a house. Isn't that cool? We got a new house. It's only temporary though. My dad plans on rebuilding in Cameron in a year or two, but for now they have a place to call home. It'll still be some time before they move in, but it might be sooner than later because a nice group of people from Salt Lake are coming down this weekend to put a new roof on the house and help out with some other stuff. How nice is that? My mom said I'll be spending most of my Christmas break painting rooms, but I think it will be worth it. When I get my digital camera (yes, I am getting one!) I'll post of picture of my new house. For now, I'll show you a picturs of what my old one looks like now.
Friday, December 02, 2005
O Holy Night
Another post about Christmas:
O Holy Night is my favorite Christmas song. I think it reminds me of when I was a kid at my ward Christmas parties. There's not much to this blog, but lets just say I had too much fun last night singing it. "DE VINE" {glass shattering}! Some of y'all know what I'm talking about.
O Holy Night is my favorite Christmas song. I think it reminds me of when I was a kid at my ward Christmas parties. There's not much to this blog, but lets just say I had too much fun last night singing it. "DE VINE" {glass shattering}! Some of y'all know what I'm talking about.
Christmas Time
I love Christmas time. Last night I went over to my good friend Kristine's apartment. I own a Christmas tree, but I wasn't going to put it up in my apt. because we already have one. So we set it up at her apt. It was so much fun. It totally brings in the Christmas spirit...and I LOVE Christmas. Sunday we are going down to Temple Square, and sometime soon we are going to go look at Christmas lights around town. This time of year I really start missing home, but I know I'm going home soon...20 Days!!! I'm going to start counting down, ok? Alright, so Mary Ruth took over my blog again and jazzed it up, so thank her and visit her blog. :)
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