So last Friday I was able to go see Chronicles of Narnia on opening night. And thanks to my good friend Kristine IT WAS FREE! We get to enter the theater first and watch everyone come in and rush to their seats. I didn't realize this movie was that big of a deal, but it is. So I'm sitting there with Kristine, watching people, and texting on my phone. Then this guy walks in who I swear is Donny Osmond. I was a little unsure, but then he walks by again, and this time I'm certain. It was so Donny Osmond. I tell Kristine and she laughs uncontrollably hard. Of course she doesn't believe me, why would she. Does Donny Osmond really goe to the movies in Provo, UT? Of course he does, he lives there. So the movie goes on (which was great, go see it) and we leave and never think of Donny Osmond (like how I keep using his full name like he's famous or something) again. So today Kristine IMs me and says that she randomly read somewhere that Friday was Donny Osmond's birthday. And what do you do on your birthday, you go to dinner and a movie. It was so Donny Osmond at Narnia, I don't care what anyone says!
is he like related to marie and the other singing osmonds??
That's awesome! I love Donny. He's a hot lookin' old man!
I saw Marie at the Mt. Timpanogos Temple Open house when I was in college. She was passing out the white booties. Hey wait, that was mine and Joey's first "real" date and every time I talked about seeing Maria Osmond he'd roll his eyes.
We're going to see Narnia sometime this week. I don't really have a desire but Joey is stoked about it.
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