Hi Everyone! Happy Mardi Gras. Today is Mardi Gras and I have to go to work. Growing up it was a holiday, apparently only in Louisiana though. My mom sent me some King Cakes and I'm sharing them with everyone. They are so good. Mardi Gras is a cool holiday, and New Orleans is back. So I just wanted everyone to have a great Mardi Gras and don't have too much fun.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Outback and RMCF all in one day!
Yesterday I had one of the most fun days ever. I began the day with a nice work out in the pool. I'm telling you, swimming is awesome. Then Kristine and I went and watched "Walk the Line". This could possibly be one of my favorite movies. It was so good. Then we decided that in celebration of something we should eat at Outback. Oh...it was so good. Have I ever told you that I love Outback? And I finally got my caramel apple. The day was just amazing. And today I went to church and I'm off, so I get a nap. This weekend is getting better and better every second. :) I like my weekends off.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Why Does This Town Shut Down So Freakin' Early
Last night Kristine and I went and saw "Firewall" with Harrison Ford. The movie was alright, I would maybe recommend it. My opinion of it is still up in the air. Afterwards we were going to go get a caramel apple at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory...pretty much the greatest place on earth, second to only Outback. We were SOOOO excited. So the movie starts at 7, it should end before 10 right because that was time RMCF closes...or so we thought. So movie ends right at 9, we get in the van, and venture the 100 whole yards down the street. We stop, get out, and yes, you guess it...THEY'RE CLOSED!!! They closed at 9, not 10. We were 3, count them 3, minutes late. Seriously. The town shuts down at 9 o'clock. The ice cream place was closed to. The only place open was I-HOP, and that's not even in Provo, it's in Orem. Maybe this is the reason I'm running away. Just makes me so angry. It's like as soon as you get free minutes on your cell phone everything else goes downhill. AGH! Alright, so goal of the weekend...Get a caramel apple at the RMCF!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I'm Stealing Mary Ruth's Idea
Mary Ruth had on her blog her super hero powers and wanted to know what everyone else would have as theirs. So I decided it would be fun to know what powers everyone wished they had. In all honesty I have no idea what powers I would want. Probably fly, and maybe be strong. Being rich would be cool too, but is that a power. I dunno, whatever. Anyway, tell me what cool powers you would have and maybe we could all get together and be Captain Planet or something.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Melissa, I totally won!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
They're Moving In
So the floors are in and some furniture was delivered today. Yep, my family is starting to move in. My mom hopes by next week they will be in. There will still be things to do, and all of the furniture won't be in for a while, but hey...it's getting close. And guess what! I got a "home" too. My uncle is letting me use his camper to live in, and my mom says it's nice. I think that's pretty cool. So it looks like things are working out. The diet thing is going. I WANT A COKE!!! I'm strong though, maybe...the night's not over yet. And 8 minute abs is killing me, but I'll be ok. Yeah, alright, just wanted to say hi. I did this thing today and probably in a few days I'll have a new shirt. This website took words from my blog and made a shirt. It's pretty cool. The website is called snapshirts.com. I must say I was pretty impress even though I did change a few words. But hopefully I'll get a cool shirt out of it. Anyway...I need to get ready for Sunday. Goodnight everyone.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Day 2
Yesterday I started the big diet thing or whatever you want to call it. I think so far I'm doing pretty well. I started running, or doing cardio, and I've been back to the gym twice now. I got this ab video that I did my freshman year out here and I'm going to start doing it again. It seemed to work 3 1/2 years ago. I'm trying to eat better and yesterday I went shopping for better foods, but I think this one is going to be hard. And the biggie...I haven't had a coke since Tuesday. Last time I gave up cokes I could only have them on weekends, and I'm going to adopt that rule, but still try not to have one. I have a friend at work who is also doing this diet thing with me. And I didn't snack today or yesterday at work...that's a big accomplishment too. So yeah, I just wanted to let y'all know how I was doing. I'll begin updating, especially if good process is being made.

I just want to tell everyone how cool my little sister is. Her name is Alayna and she is 10 years old. She'll be 11 in May. She an awesome artist, and currently is painting in downtown Lake Charles. For the past 4 years I haven't been around her as much as I would like, and she's growing up so fast. I swear I wasn't like that when I was in the 5th grade. Hopefully soon though I'll be able to be around her a lot. Here is a cute picture of her. I love you Alayna.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Weight Loss Goals
So I've decided that I definitely need to lose weight, and I need y'alls help. If I give myself goals and tell only me, then I'll never follow through with them. But if I tell someone, and y'all ask me how I'm doing and stuff, then I'll do them because I don't want to fail to others. So here are my goals and you have to help me with it.
1. Work out 3x/week
2. No eating after 9:30 p.m. (time will move up over time, need to start small)
3. Eat moderate portions, "better"foods
4. Run 3x/week
5. Drink water, and plenty of it...at least 64oz./day
And probably the hardest one of all....
6. NO MORE COKES (unless it's a special occasion, or I really, really need one)
My end goal is to lose about 30 lbs. and fit comfortably into my size 10 jeans. Short term goal is do like Melissa said and lose 5 lbs. by Feb. 24. That can't be that hard right? It's like 1/2 lb. a day. I think it's doable, so I'm going to try. Wish me luck everyone.
1. Work out 3x/week
2. No eating after 9:30 p.m. (time will move up over time, need to start small)
3. Eat moderate portions, "better"foods
4. Run 3x/week
5. Drink water, and plenty of it...at least 64oz./day
And probably the hardest one of all....
6. NO MORE COKES (unless it's a special occasion, or I really, really need one)
My end goal is to lose about 30 lbs. and fit comfortably into my size 10 jeans. Short term goal is do like Melissa said and lose 5 lbs. by Feb. 24. That can't be that hard right? It's like 1/2 lb. a day. I think it's doable, so I'm going to try. Wish me luck everyone.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Word of the Day
So I've been meaning to do this for like a week now, but I keep forgetting. I'm putting up a word of the day, and I challenge everyone to use it at least once this week in it's correct meaning. "Gilmore Girls" is like the coolest show, I swear. And it's just so dang funny. The stuff they come up with is just plain hilarious. So last week Paris used the word putsch. Kristine and I were so curious as to what putsch meant we looked it up.
Putsch (pooch) noun: a sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government
sometimes capitalized
Dictionary.com has more information if you want to look it up.
Kristine and I thought this was the funniest word, especialy because Paris had used it towards Rory after she had been overthrown as the editor of the Yale Daily News. Great stuff the writes come up with over there. Putsch...who knew? I sure didn't.
Putsch (pooch) noun: a sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government
sometimes capitalized
Dictionary.com has more information if you want to look it up.
Kristine and I thought this was the funniest word, especialy because Paris had used it towards Rory after she had been overthrown as the editor of the Yale Daily News. Great stuff the writes come up with over there. Putsch...who knew? I sure didn't.
Happy Valentine's Day
I hope everyone who actually has a date tonight has a wonderful time. As for me, well you know. I pretty much have a date with work and "Gilmore Girls". I think pizza with Kristine might be in the plans too. I hate Valentine's Day. I think it's pretty much stupid. It's just another day that reminds me that I don't have anyone. NO ONE!!! I can't even get a date much less a boyfriend to have around on that sucky day of Feb. 14th. Whatever. Utah sucks. Now I'm just rambling. And I watched "The bachelor" tonight and he had like 3 women. What the crap is that about? I don't know, but I do know that until I get a date or a boyfriend or a husband I am going to be very, very bitter towards anyone who has one of those three things. :)
Also, I cleaned Lance and Andre up today and I hadn't noticed before but Lance has grow so much more than Andre. It's kinda weird. If you didn't know my dad had this "turtle pond" and he harvested the eggs and hatched them and all and last August he gave me two turtles. They are pretty cool, but the one has grown almost twice as much as the other one...it's pretty cool to see them and notice that they totally have personalities and stuff...it's pretty sweet. I love my turtles!
Also, I cleaned Lance and Andre up today and I hadn't noticed before but Lance has grow so much more than Andre. It's kinda weird. If you didn't know my dad had this "turtle pond" and he harvested the eggs and hatched them and all and last August he gave me two turtles. They are pretty cool, but the one has grown almost twice as much as the other one...it's pretty cool to see them and notice that they totally have personalities and stuff...it's pretty sweet. I love my turtles!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I know...I'm a slacker

Man, I'm really starting to suck at this. I'm getting no good. I let days go by without letting y'all know what I'm up to. I could be going crazy for all y'all know. Well, I guess I'll give a little update. But really, nothing has been going on. Yesterday I went horseback riding again with some cool friends. I was so much better this time. I even did it myself. David didn't have to guide me around like a little kid. I was quite impressed with myself, I must say. So look how cool everyone looked. And Lacy and Carole said they wouldn't ride...but they totally did. How sweet is that. So here we all are, just chillin'. We are so cool.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Road to March Madness
I've really started to enjoy college sports since I've started college. My two favorite schools are BYU (because I went there) and LSU. I tend to like boys sports more than girls, and even though March Madness usually refers to Men's Basketball, I decided to use it to describe Women's Basketball. I like the Lady Tigers of LSU and tonight they played a big rival, the Lady Vols of Tennessee. And guess what...LSU won 72-69. Hopefully LSU will make it into the finals this year. Last year they lost in the Final Four. Ok, so I know this wasn't the most blog-worthy post, but I really have nothing else to talk about. My life is getting more boring by the moment. I do have plans for Saturday...so that's cool I guess. Tonight's "ER" looks good, so I'm excited to watch it. I'm a little tired too, so maybe I'll go to bed soon also. I hope everyone has a good day. I'll be back later if anything exciting should present itself.
Monday, February 06, 2006
I saw this blog once...
And this guy kept track of his weight loss for all the world to see. Maybe this is what I should start doing. I can tell all y'all how much I weigh and then I'll let y'all know what I'm doing to lose the weight and then y'all can cheer me on and stuff. I seriously have to do something. It's getting way out of hand. If y'all could give me ideas on how to lose weight then tell me because I need all the help I can get. I have to take control of my life and change. Maybe I'll lose some weight, maybe not, but hopefully I can. Ok, enough about me. Happy Monday all. I cleaned again today, and now my room and apt look nice. I like it when I clean. I hope Melissa (Rasberry) did well on her exam today. I know she probably did. I put Rasberry because turns out Flores is also posting under the name Melissa. Too many of y'all, I swear. Anyway...I get paid Friday. Y'all just don't know how excited I am about that. My pocket is running kinda low. I had to bum detergent off of a friend today. How sad is that? Oh well. Mardi Gras is coming up and I want to have a party. So maybe I will. You know what's a cool show...The Gaunlet 2. So since that's a cool show and it comes on in a little bit I'm going to go now and get ready to watch it. So I'll talk to y'all later.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Sad News
Anyone who knows me knows that I love Lance Armstrong. I think he's a pretty swell guy. I like what he's doing for cancer research, and despite what some of y'all think of him, he's not all that bad. Well on Friday he announced that him and Sheryl Crow have spilt. Ok, this isn't really sad news, but I thaught it was somewhat of a bummer. I really thought those two were going to make it. Oh well. Guess that just means he's available for me :)! Have a good Saturday all.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong
Friday, February 03, 2006
My New Favorite Band

They're not my favorite favorite because everyone knows that Kenny is my favorite, but these guys are pretty cool. Melissa introduced them to me, and now I listen to them all the time. I dowloaded a bunch of their stuff and made my own cool cd and I listen to them at work. They rock. I think everyone should give them a listen at least once. Cross Canadian Ragweed is pretty sweet. Check them out.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I've Been Tagged...
So Mary Ruth tagged me the other day and now I will finally respond to it...
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was in the 6th grade at Cameron Elementary. My little sister was just born and we were getting ready to go to the Dallas Temple to be sealed together as a family.
What were you doing one year ago?
Working at Veg Prep...the coolest place ever...and going to BYU and hating it. I might have been going to classes, but all along I knew I was going to drop out. But for the most part enjoying life. Actually, it's been about a year to the date when I went to Seattle. That was fun.
Five snacks that you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):
1. Sunflower seeds
2. Kool-Aid
3. Cool Ranch Doritos
4. Kit-Kats
5. nice refreshing Coca-Cola!!!
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Oh man...where do I start...
1. I Stand All Amazed
2. Most Kenny Chesney songs, and when I say most I pretty much mean all
3. Carried Away by George Strait (my all-time favorite song)
4. You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
5. If it's on K-Bull I probably know it
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Help my parents pay for their new home
2. Buy myself a new car
3. Pay for school
4. Give some away...why not?
5. Set myself up. I probably won't spend as much as a would save.
Five bad habits:
1. Gossiping
2. Staying up way too late and getting up way to late in the morning
3. Procrastinating
4. Being too messy
5. Not doing what I should be doing
Five things you like doing:
1. Cooking
2. Playing on the computer
3. Watching T.V. and movies
4. Working out
5. Hanging out with friends
Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:
1. A Saturn
2. The chicken Pox
3. Blue nail polish
4. School uniforms
5. A tennis racket
Five favorite toys:
1. Digital camera
2. Softball glove
3. My car
4. My T.V.
5. My computer
Five people you are tagging?
It's so sad, but I don't know anyone to tagged...so if you read this and you want to be tagged, then have at it.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was in the 6th grade at Cameron Elementary. My little sister was just born and we were getting ready to go to the Dallas Temple to be sealed together as a family.
What were you doing one year ago?
Working at Veg Prep...the coolest place ever...and going to BYU and hating it. I might have been going to classes, but all along I knew I was going to drop out. But for the most part enjoying life. Actually, it's been about a year to the date when I went to Seattle. That was fun.
Five snacks that you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):
1. Sunflower seeds
2. Kool-Aid
3. Cool Ranch Doritos
4. Kit-Kats
5. nice refreshing Coca-Cola!!!
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Oh man...where do I start...
1. I Stand All Amazed
2. Most Kenny Chesney songs, and when I say most I pretty much mean all
3. Carried Away by George Strait (my all-time favorite song)
4. You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
5. If it's on K-Bull I probably know it
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Help my parents pay for their new home
2. Buy myself a new car
3. Pay for school
4. Give some away...why not?
5. Set myself up. I probably won't spend as much as a would save.
Five bad habits:
1. Gossiping
2. Staying up way too late and getting up way to late in the morning
3. Procrastinating
4. Being too messy
5. Not doing what I should be doing
Five things you like doing:
1. Cooking
2. Playing on the computer
3. Watching T.V. and movies
4. Working out
5. Hanging out with friends
Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:
1. A Saturn
2. The chicken Pox
3. Blue nail polish
4. School uniforms
5. A tennis racket
Five favorite toys:
1. Digital camera
2. Softball glove
3. My car
4. My T.V.
5. My computer
Five people you are tagging?
It's so sad, but I don't know anyone to tagged...so if you read this and you want to be tagged, then have at it.
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