Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone who actually has a date tonight has a wonderful time. As for me, well you know. I pretty much have a date with work and "Gilmore Girls". I think pizza with Kristine might be in the plans too. I hate Valentine's Day. I think it's pretty much stupid. It's just another day that reminds me that I don't have anyone. NO ONE!!! I can't even get a date much less a boyfriend to have around on that sucky day of Feb. 14th. Whatever. Utah sucks. Now I'm just rambling. And I watched "The bachelor" tonight and he had like 3 women. What the crap is that about? I don't know, but I do know that until I get a date or a boyfriend or a husband I am going to be very, very bitter towards anyone who has one of those three things. :)

Also, I cleaned Lance and Andre up today and I hadn't noticed before but Lance has grow so much more than Andre. It's kinda weird. If you didn't know my dad had this "turtle pond" and he harvested the eggs and hatched them and all and last August he gave me two turtles. They are pretty cool, but the one has grown almost twice as much as the other one...it's pretty cool to see them and notice that they totally have personalities and stuff...it's pretty sweet. I love my turtles!

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