Saturday, February 04, 2006

Sad News

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Lance Armstrong. I think he's a pretty swell guy. I like what he's doing for cancer research, and despite what some of y'all think of him, he's not all that bad. Well on Friday he announced that him and Sheryl Crow have spilt. Ok, this isn't really sad news, but I thaught it was somewhat of a bummer. I really thought those two were going to make it. Oh well. Guess that just means he's available for me :)! Have a good Saturday all.

Lance Armstrong

1 comment:

MaryRuth said...

Ok I have to repent and ask for your forgiveness.... I did some reading up on Lance and he's not such a bad guy... so I'm SO sorry I put the hate out there on Lance... and it is sad that they broke up... they were a pretty couple together!

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