Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I Joined a Gym

Ok, maybe not a real gym. But I did join the Orem Fitness Center. Just one of the perks of living in Orem. I joined yesterday, and I wasn't going to post anything until I got my I.D. but the printer is down so I might not get my I.D. until tomorrow or Thursday. I've only taken advantage of the weight room so far, but I'm sure I'll use the other stuff soon. There is a pool and a sauna that I really want to use. Maybe after my work-out tomorrow I'll go sit in the sauna. It's right by work, so I just venture over there right after work. It's really convenient and really fun. I only have a month pass so far, but I already think I'm going to renew for next month. My advise for the day...join a gym. I might have a different opinion after a few days of soreness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud. Keep up the good work. I've been working out here in Lake Charles with my mom. She's doing so well. I'm proud of you both.

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