Sunday, January 08, 2006

I didn't realize my previous blog about Panda would cause such an uproar...

To anyone I offended:
The other day I posted a blog about Panda Express because I was upset that the woman who helped me first addressed me in Spanish when she knew perfect English. I DO NOT HATE MEXICANS!!!! I just want to clear that up. I do feel though, not in any relation to what happened, that if you live in this country then yes, you should make an effort to speak English. No, English is not the official language of the United States, but it is the official language of Utah, and most other states. And for all of you out there's not just Spanish. Yes, the U.S.A is a melting pot and we welcome people of all countries to join up in our freedom and peace. But if you come here to live, then yes, you are at some point expected to speak English and if you work in a public environment you are expected to address customers in English, not in your native tongue. What you do "off the clock" is totally up to you, and I will support you in everything. Where I come from heritage is a big thing, and I believe that everyone should stay true to their heritage, whatever that should be. I want to apalogize to anyone that I may offended with my first blog. I truely am sorry, but I am entitled to my opinion. If I have a bad day and I write something on my blog, then I think they key word is that it is MY blog, and I am allowed to give my opinion.

1 comment:

MaryRuth said...

Ok the point here is that if I went to another country and wanted a job I would be expected to speak their language. They wouldn't give me a job if I didn't speak their language. But we are supposed to be ok with the fact that they don't speak English? and it makes me a bad person because yes I would like to order in English and have the person understand me? And no when i've ordered something from somebody that doesn't speak English my order has never been right. Never.

And don't get me started on immigrants who come here thinking that they deserve to live off our welfare system.

If you want to come live in America, fine. But there are things that you need to do... and learning English is one of them.

I have more things to say but I'm all riled up now from the previous post so I'll bow out now before I start swearing on Samantha's blog. :)

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