Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Testimony

So I had the need to tell everyone my testimony. I'm not really sure why, but I had a really cool night last night. I think I learned a lot in my own personal study. For people out there reading this, this is my beliefs and what I know to be true. Don't think I'm forcing my religion on you, but I just felt like I needed to tell y'all this, just in case anyone ever wondered what I believed.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true and living church upon the earth today. I have a testimony of Joseph Smith. At the young age of 14 he was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and he restored the Gospel in this dispensation. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It's an account of people on the American continent. I have a testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that through prophets today revelation is still on the earth, and I know that President Gordon B. Hinckley is the living prophet today that leads and guides His church. I love my family and I know that one day we will be together forever. I'm happy to know that one day I can go through the temple. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and so does his son Jesus Christ. I truly believe if I live the right way I will be able to return the them one day.

So this is what I know to be true. If you are interested in things I believe either clicke the link on the side, or click here. It's a summary of this that our church believes, but does not include everything we believe. I hope everyone can find strength in my testimony, and maybe one day I will know why I was prompted to share it with y'all.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Oh no...

OH NO!!!...Mary Ruth tagged me. What does this mean, what do I do? I was just comfortably reading Mary Ruth's blog and at the bottom it had a list of people she had tagged. I was on it. So unexpected. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I guess I'm supposed to answer those questions, so I'll think about it and maybe answer tomorrow. I have to get over the shock of being tagged first.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Look at ME!!!

So hey, look what I did today. I was a cowgirl! Ok, not really. It turned out I was scared to death, but hopefully next time I'll do better. I wouldn't let David let go of the rope. In fact, I was so scared to let him take this picture because I thought the horse would take off. David's son Josh was on the other horse and I was on Thunder. The one time I attempted to go by myself the horse wigged out on me and I got scared again. I'm going to have to go again when it's not as cold. It was so flippin' cold. I really have to apologize for being a sissy, but that horse is big, and I think my friend Ryan scared me more when he told me this horrible story, but whatever. The point is that I went out and did something fun, and I liked it. Yeah me...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Night of Fun

So tonight I got the chance to hang out with my good friend Ryan. I met Ryan back in May at my apt. at Ward Prayer. It was the Sunday after my birthday and this random guy told me happy late birthday. I had no idea who this guy was, but he intrigued me, and we've been friends ever since. Tonight I went over to his house and we watched "Lost", a show I have never seen before. I have to admit it was quite interesting, and I might have to watch it again next week. Then...we went to what possibly could be my favorite place on earth...OUTBACK!! Contrary to popular belief it is in fact Outback and not The Outback, and it made me a very happy person tonight. I had a Bloomin' Onion in honor of my mom and Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie. Oh man...it was so good. I think everyone should run out and go to Outback now...it would really make you happy. -Samantha

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Got A Haircut

I got a haircut. And today I had to go fix it so it would be even. And this is me talking to my mom like I always do and chatting with Melissa on the internet.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Things to do in Utah

I'm making a list of things I need to do in Utah before I leave. All I have so far is going to a Jazz game. I need your ideas. Let me know of things I need to do, then I'll make a list and try to do them all. So I guess the list goes like this:
1. Go To Jazz Game
And Melissa, my hair is a little jacked up, so I need to go get it fixed before I post of picture of it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


My life is so super boring, I have nothing to talk about. Today I went to work at 10 to be dishwasher. That was fun, let me tell you. Tomorrow I get to go to church then back to work. I get Monday off and I'm thinking I want to cut my hair...not quite sure yet. Yesterday I did take these pictures and wanted to show you this view. This is why Utah is so beautiful.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Hello Everyone....

Today is Friday. It's been a while. Nothing has been blog worthy. I'm reading a book right now, and I don't read at all, so this is a big accomplishment for me. I still have a little ways to go, but hopefully I'll be finished before the movie comes out. There are some things going on right now, some big things, but I have to figure things out first before I go telling the whole world. Lance and Andre are doing good...and if someone could find me a date, I swear I would owe you for the rest of my life. Work is still great, except tonight is pizza again...and I hate pizza...and guess what next Friday is too...PIZZA! The last time a attempted to make pizza I ended up in WorkMed getting my toe x-rayed. I need to get my hair dried or I'm going to show up to work looking pretty crappy. I haven't been to the gym in a while, and since I don't have a life, maybe I'll go tonight. See ya

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm a Cleaning Machine

So yesterday I was given the opportunity to clean the kitchen at work. I thought, sure, why not. But if you give me a cleaning assignment I'm going to find everything that needs cleaning and try to do the best I can. I left work yesterday at 12:45AM!!! That's right...I'm a cleaning machine. And the sad thing is that I had help most of the time. I spent like 5 hours cleaning, and I still think the kitchen looks like crap. I swear like everytime I turned around something else looked dirty...and I know I didn't get everything, but I can at least say my feet were clean at the end of the night. Anyway...point is I was tired by the time I got home, but the kitchen was somewhat clean, and it made me happy....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

In Regards To The Previous Post

So I had this post up here talking about this thing I went to tonight at Murray High. It was about this civil rights thing and it talked about Rosa Parks more than anything. I had a picture of this guy with some cool shoes. He directed this choir, and he was pretty cool. Someone decided to post an anonymous comment about the Truth of Dr. Martin Luther King. The content of the comment isn't what I didn't like, it was the fact that they were too chicken to even leave a name. The post brought you to this site that degraded MLK. Now if you really wanted to hear my opinions on MLK you should probably call or e-mail me because here is not the place to say them, but come on...if you going to leave a comment like that then at least have the guts to say who you are! You're just plain chicken if you don't.

Here's the deal...

you comment on my post you leave a name...no name..comment gets deleted...simple as that!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Can you guess what I did?

Can anyone guess what I did on this lovely Monday afternoon?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Turtles

So I have two turtles...Lance and Andre. I used to house them in this little bowl and it was always dirty, and it smelled REALLY bad. I felt this was animal neglect, so I decided to buy them a new house. Now it's not what I really wanted, but it was all I could afford. Maybe when I get some money I'll spring for something bigger and better. But for now, this will have to do. So far they seem to like it. Take a look.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Amusing Facts

So at work yesterday I decided that a cool thing to do was give people random facts as they came up to the window. Today I actually had facts in hand. There is this cool website called AmusingFacts.com and they have all kinds of stuff. I felt that I needed to share my new find with people. And while you're searching the internet go here. These will make you think. And laugh...everytime I read them I laugh. Alright...have fun.

Why Didn't Luke Tell Loralai?

This is Kristine. Kristine is mad because Luke still hasn't told Loralai that he has a kid. And why not? Well, quite frankly, we don't know. Kristine has class durning "Gilmore Girls", so on Wednesday nights after I leave work and the gym I go home and get my VCR and head down to Kristine's to watch "Gilmore Girls" with her. Ain't I a good friend or what? Another reason I posted a picture of Kristine was because I wanted everyone to see what a cool person she was!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Why Do People Have Extra Letters In Their Name?

Some people have extra letters in their name and I don't know why. Are they really necessary? Ok, so I recently have pointed out that I do have extra letters in my name, but have you ever really thought about this? A comedian name Brian Regan has good insight on this. It's so true though. People don't need extra letters. Do you get them if you're rich enough. If you think about it, everyone has an extra letter that they don't need. Let's just give them up. If everyone gave up their extra letter then writing would be so much easier and take less time. I'm almost certain rich people get extra letters as presents to make them look better then poor people steal them, then letters are flying around everywhere and there is chaos and it will never end. When will it end???

Lesson of the Day

If you try to steal wireless internet you probably will not be successful...expect if you're Melissa and steal it from the coffee shop.

(and look...you know who...it's even in purple :))

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's Monday

So it's Monday and I don't' do much on Mondays. I woke up this morning and went swimming at the OFC. Later tonight I'll probably go work out. Kristine's back in town, maybe I'll go visit her later. I'm going to fix lunch...a salad sounds good. Wow, Mondays are just so boring around here. I did get the opportunity to play with my camera though. I look this picture standing on my balcony. It's of Timp. It snowed last night, so that's a fresh coat up there. Mary Ruth tells me she's coming up here in the spring. Maybe I should start a countdown or something. If you have something more interesting than this let me know. Watch, after I finish I'll have a cool thing to post. Oh well...this is mainly so Melissa will have something to read in biochem. Laters.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I didn't realize my previous blog about Panda would cause such an uproar...

To anyone I offended:
The other day I posted a blog about Panda Express because I was upset that the woman who helped me first addressed me in Spanish when she knew perfect English. I DO NOT HATE MEXICANS!!!! I just want to clear that up. I do feel though, not in any relation to what happened, that if you live in this country then yes, you should make an effort to speak English. No, English is not the official language of the United States, but it is the official language of Utah, and most other states. And for all of you out there wondering...it's not just Spanish. Yes, the U.S.A is a melting pot and we welcome people of all countries to join up in our freedom and peace. But if you come here to live, then yes, you are at some point expected to speak English and if you work in a public environment you are expected to address customers in English, not in your native tongue. What you do "off the clock" is totally up to you, and I will support you in everything. Where I come from heritage is a big thing, and I believe that everyone should stay true to their heritage, whatever that should be. I want to apalogize to anyone that I may offended with my first blog. I truely am sorry, but I am entitled to my opinion. If I have a bad day and I write something on my blog, then I think they key word is that it is MY blog, and I am allowed to give my opinion.

Friday, January 06, 2006

O Holy Night...Again

So around Christmas I posted a blog about O Holy Night and singing the "oh night divine" part a little funny. Only a few people knew how funny that was. Here's the story. One night I was at Kristine's and we put up a Christmas tree and we sang Christmas carols. I decided that I was going to sing O Holy Night like Mariah Carey. It was so hilarious, mainly because I can't sing...but I have decided that I am better than this guy. And if you don't believe I'm better, call me up, I'll sing for you.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Apparently I can Stay

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!

Is A Little English Too Much To Ask?

So today I went to my beloved Panda Express. Chow mien noodles with mandarin chicken. So good. And on special days I get an egg roll. Today was going to be a special day. So I walk in to Panda expecting to hear broken English from cute little Chinese women who ask if I want sauce. That's what I was expecting, but that is not what I got. I got Mexican's speaking nothing but SPANISH!!!! Enough already. They acted like they didn't understand what I wanted. I'm sorry, but if you live in this country and work in this country then speak English. If I went to Mexico and didn't know Spanish they would laugh at me and some how cheat me out of all my money. All I'm trying to say is if you're going to work then speak English. If you just want to live then fine, but work is a different story. AGH! Is this really too much to ask?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Proof That I Joined A Gym

For all you doubters...here is proof that I joined the Orem Fitness Center.

Hook Em' Horns!

Go Longhorns! The Longhorns are going to down USC tonight in the Rose Bowl. It's going to be a good game. Everyone should watch tonight on ABC. HOOK EM' HORNS!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I Joined a Gym

Ok, maybe not a real gym. But I did join the Orem Fitness Center. Just one of the perks of living in Orem. I joined yesterday, and I wasn't going to post anything until I got my I.D. but the printer is down so I might not get my I.D. until tomorrow or Thursday. I've only taken advantage of the weight room so far, but I'm sure I'll use the other stuff soon. There is a pool and a sauna that I really want to use. Maybe after my work-out tomorrow I'll go sit in the sauna. It's right by work, so I just venture over there right after work. It's really convenient and really fun. I only have a month pass so far, but I already think I'm going to renew for next month. My advise for the day...join a gym. I might have a different opinion after a few days of soreness.

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Coolest Person I Know

So I have this friend and she's pretty much the coolest person I know. She's just so awesome. And she does so much for people. I don't think she'll ever know how much she helps me out. She's always happy and has a way to make you laugh...uncontrolably at times. I love hanging out with her because we always have fun. Never a dull moment around her. And one time she let me stay at her apt. while I was waiting to move into mine. I had to hide from the landlord, so we have this joke now...SpyGlas 105 has hid a dog, some ducks, and a Samantha. Her good friend just moved back home, but I know she will hold up just find. She's so strong on so many different levels. I love her. So everyone, I've decided y'all all need a friend like Kristine Napper. I can't wait 'til she comes back to Utah. Not sure when she's going to learn that WA stinks..just joking. I love you Kristine.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome 2006

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Hope 2006 is all you ever wanted and more. Have a great year y'all.
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