Thursday, October 12, 2006


So last Thursday...yes, I know, I should have done this sooner...I went and saw Larry the Cable Guy at the Civic Center in Lake Charles. The ticket was given to me so I didn't have to pay the outrageous price they were asking for them. And man, he was worth it. He was so funny, and it was a brand new tour so all the material was new and fresh. I would rather see the Blue Comedy Tour together, but if I had to see just one Larry was a good choice. Had me laughing the whole time. Git-R-Done

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I haven't done this in a while...oops.

So I was bored tonight and just messing around and decided to google my name...and you know what the first thing to come up was...some big shot lawyer in Houston. I think I'm going to stick with that. And look at this funny's not me.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ahoy Mate!

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day so everyone have a great day and don't forget to talk like a pirate.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I want to go back to Utah

I want to go back to Utah...oh wait, I said that. I like Louisiana. I like it a lot. I love school, and well, school. I went to institute in Lafayette on Thursday, and that was really fun. But I miss Utah. Funny story...if I were going to go RIGHT NOW I'd have a place to stay. So weird how that turns out. But I like school. But I could do school there right? But would my mom like it? I wouldn't go now, but could I go in January? Man, I'm so confused. Louisiana it is I guess, for the time being.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Life List

Alright, so I really don't have one, but I've been hearing a lot about them lately and I decided that I need one. I'm going to make my Top 100 list. It'll have the obvious like getting married and having kids, but I'll dig deep and get some good ones. So I want everyone out there to make their life list too, and let me know what's some of the things you'll have on it.

Guess how many state troopers I saw on the way to Lafayette on Tuesday

Total interstate driving time: 56 minutes

Monday, September 11, 2006

If you knew where I was from this would be so funny to you too

I found this on some dude's myspace and thought it was sooooo funny. I don't know who came up with it but the sad part is that it's so true. The language isn't that great, so sorry for that. Read and laugh, because I did.

You kno if your a SC Tarpon if...
You know your a South Cameron Tarpon if..

1. You have ever told a cop that you were related to Sono Savoie to get out of trouble.
2. You know that there is no difference between Sha Sha's, Adeline's, and the Creole Food Mart.
3. Your worst childhood memory was when the Tarpon Freezo burnt down.
4. If your most valuable thing you own is whatever's left of your house.
5. You know the difference between "The Front" and "The Front Ridge".

6. You have ever gone to church on the front ridge because you were too hung over to go Sacred Heart.
7. You know who "Jimbo" is.
8. You have ever driven drunk to Kajon at midnight to get some boudin and Tasso.
9. When old people tell a story, it either happened "before" Audrey or "after" Audrey.
10. You have ever walked down main street in Cameron with a loaded shotgun and a beer, and nobody cared.
11. The biggest evet of tha year was the fur festival and it was ur favorite holiday
12. You have ever had an excused absence from school because you were alligator hunting. duck hunitng, or trapping nutria.

13. You think that everybody that lives in Johnson Bayou are related to each other.
14. When you say your going to the store, you mean Rudy's.
15. You refer to the store as Rudy's, even though it's called Jerome's.
16. You still still refer to Pishou's Place as Galtins.
17. You knew who "Big Jean" at Gaspard's was, and how she got hit while walking on the side of the road.
18. You lived on a ridge.
19. You have ever shot ducks while driving your truck.
20. You have ever raced your vehicle down Mr Bobby Conners road
21. You had a charge account at Lynn Miller's or Boudin Brother's.

22. You ever celebrated the 4th of July on Holly or Rutherford Beach.
23. The most important thing you took when you evacuated from Hurricane Rita was all the guns in your house.
24. Your favorite place to eat was Subway...
25. You Knew over 5 people who were pregnant before they graduated High School....
26. You skipped school to go fishing...
27. You got up at 3 am to go hunting.. then showed up at school and slept thru the first 2 classes...
28. If you took typing or Acct. with Belle Hession, you know Debits on the Left and Credits on the Right and you know how to impersonate her when she describes double space and triple space.
29. When people say 'the red light' or 'the Y', you know exactly where they are talking about
30. You went to the Alligator Harvest Festival to watch 'the boat races', which were actually drunk people in little fishing boats.
31. You had your picture put in the Cameron Pilot for what seems like nothing at all.
32. You know that u better never whistle in the cafeteria cuz shirley bonsall will jump on your
33. you know that there is hardly any weddings between august through december because its football season and no one would ever risk the chance of mising a game

34. You remember "Sonny Boy" riding his bicycle from Creole to Cameron with his white socks pulled up to his knees.
35. You have almost got in a wreck because the old dude that directed traffic in front of tha school has no clue what and the hell he is doing
36. Wayne Toups played at your after graduation party.
37. You got drunk with your parents and grandparents at your after prom party.
38. Your idea of an after prom party was a drunken bon-fire on Rutherford Beach.
39. Dr. Sanders has diagnosed you with Asthma.
40. You have had a shot from Mary Francis that came with a bruise that lasted 2 weeks and fear of her for the rest of your life.
41. Your wedding reception was at the fire station.
43. You dont know a damn thing about Civics after sitting though a whole year of Pete Picou's Civics class, but you do know how to clean the trash out of the stadium bleachers after a track meet.
44. You know why Mrs. Boudreaux's tongue and fingers are various ink colors and her overhead projector smells like spit.
45. You took biology with Coach Thomas and the most you learned was how to cheat successfuly, and all he managed to teach was that girls with boobs get their way and are a great distraction (so the rest of the class can Ace the biology test in 2 min.)
46. Mark Boudin filled up you vehicle AND wiped your windshield clean as a whistle while talking about pointless crap and keeping you from getting anywhere on time.
47. You know Mrs. Loretta Theriot's cat can say "ham"

48. Over half of your high school teachers were called "Coach"
49. It didnt take you long to discover while taking biology you didn't have to rush to beat the tardy bell to get to that class b/c even if you had a broken leg and were carrying all your books on your back you were still gonna beat Coach Thomas to the classroom. And you're still wondering how he made it there without passing out.
50. You know that ur favorite week of the year was when it was homecoming week and you got to see what people dressed up for this year and who would win.
51. You know what the letters in FEMA stand for.
52. School was canceled because of a playoff game. (more than once)
53. When you have a one night stand and the GIRL never returns your phone calls.
54. You know what "goin hunting without a gun means"
55. If you are excused from school, cuz the Grand Chenier bridge broke....again.
56. Joey?
57. If you ever been flicked off by a complete stranger, and then realize you were wearing a Tarpons shirt.
58. If someone has harrassed you because they make jokes about Tarpons being "tampons".
59. If you refer to dressing up as wearing a tarpon t-shirt, w/ a pair of jeans and potatoe shoes.

60. If you ever been froggin' in the off season, w/ flip flops, a fifth of crown, and your cell phone in your bra.
61. If you ever had to wear a pair of hip boots to get out your drive way in the mornings.
62. If you've actually been caught buying dyson boots, and the checkout lady cracks a joke about cameron reabox.
63. If your first kiss was in the "dark room" under the football stadium..
64. If you refered to Lil' Mexico as the ghetto.

65. If you can call ducks w/o a duck call. Or have gotten suspended for it.
66. Your idea of saying "hey", is having one hand on the steering wheel, while lifting your beer can and sticking our your finger.
67. you ever got kicked out of a football game for telling the ref to go himself.
68. you haven't became a "man" until you recieve your lettermans jacket.
69. you ever taken a week off of school to go work cows (even though it only takes 2 day, you still need time to get over that hangover, and get out the hospital for dehyrating)
70. your one of the only people that can say that u actually ran to be first in the lunch line cuz everyone knows our food is tha
71. If you have known someone since kindergarten, but have no idea what their real name is.

72. If you ever been to confession and the priest asks you how's your grandmother is doing
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I needed to share...

I found this online and felt I needed to share. Kristine will appreciate this totally.

Editor's Note: When senior writer Michael Slezak wrote an open letter on PopWatch breaking up with CSI: Miami in time for the new fall season, several readers were also inspired to end their relationships with shows they once loved but are now fed up with. In fact, we got more than 100 responses, with readers airing their frustrations about Smallville, The O.C., ER, and other series they felt had jilted them — with frustrating plot lines, screwy schedules, and more. We were so amused that we selected the best breakup letters and compiled this gallery... read on for the dramatic dumpings!

Dear Gilmore Girls,
Wow! What can I say? You disappointed me over and over again this year... I made time for you EVERY week, even when you took inexplicably long breaks and showed reruns. I defended you to people who thought you were just a fast-talking, elitist weirdo. In short, I loved you. But truthfully, in the back of my mind, I knew something was wrong.
You turned the otherwise strong Lorelai into a douchebag. You transformed Luke into a clueless man who I constantly wanted to punch in the throat. You made Rory whinier than ever. And don't get me started on the whole ''Luke's got a daughter'' plot line! GG, what's up with that? I know I came to appreciate you a little late — after season 2 — but GG, when I found you, I was faithful. But you do all of this...and then, to make matters worse, you let those [fill in your favorite derogatory term] at [The CW] give a half-butt offer to
Amy Sherman-Palladino, the brains of the operation??? Are you crazy, GG? She was the heart of the show. I can't deal with any mediocrity next year. Look, either it's discovered that Luke and Lorelai's change in behavior was really a mysterious brain disorder caused by the Stars Hollow water supply that made them dumb for a season, or I'm out da do'.
...and this time I'm serious.
P.S. If Lorelai ends up with Christopher, I'm filing a restraining order.


New home for Lance and Andre

There are many people who thought that the way I let Lance and Andre live was just cruel. So over the summer I earned enough money to give them a treat. They have a great new home now. They love it, and I'm glad they are happy. Here's a look at the greatest turtles ever.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Who knew quitting a job could be so much fun...

I sure didn't. Wednesday was my last day at the valet parking thing and I was so happy when I left that place. Working my butt off and getting paid crap sucked. I've only quit 3 jobs in my life...that's sad, I've only had three jobs. The first was Veg Prep and the only reason I quit was because I quit school and I couldn't work there if I wasn't a student. It kinda sucked to quit, but I had another job when I quit so the transition wasn't so bad. Plus, I went back to visit every Monday for like 4 months. Then there was Mesa Vista, and the only reason I quit there was because I was another state! I still hate myself for quitting that job. I loved it. I loved the work and loved the people I worked with. It was seriously the greatest job and I miss it every day. So now I'm up to job #3 and I hated every minute of that job. I only had really great job that I didnt' know that I could hate a job so much. It was such a relief when I finally quit. I had been saying I would do it all summer and then I did it. Man, I love not having to go there. Friday was so nice. I didn't have to wake up and go there. I just bummed all day long. But then it hit me...I have no money. I got to get another one of those job things. How much does that suck. So the plan...valet at the casino.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Driving to Lafayette with no job

Every Tuesday and Thursday I make the long trek to Lafayette. It really isn't a bad drive. It usually takes about an hour and 20 minutes. I've done it in less. The worst part is between Jennings and Crowley. There really is nothing. I play with the radio and try to keep my mind off of the drive and on other things and it goes by really fast. I usually never see cops, but this morning I saw like 6...good thing I was going the speed limit. But guess what, I quit my job. So now I have to drive to Lafayette and back and eat two meals with...NO MONEY! Dang it, why did I quit? Oh yeah, because I had a crappy job. Not that the job was that crappy but because the pay sucked. And then this woman up on 10 Tower was like oh yeah, I'll hire you...THEN SHE DIDN'T. So now I for reals got to get a job or I am going to be up a creek big time. Oh well, we'll see how long I can do it. I betting the money will last like a week, so pray that I can find another job in a week!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Kenny Concert

One story that happened this summer that I can't not talk about is my trip to UT and the Kenny concert. The concert was June 21. One month after I moved home I was back in my favorite place. Man I miss that place. I got to do all kinds of fun things while in Utah. I ate at Sam Hawk and got to go to RMCF and I stayed at Kristine's and had so much fun. And then I went to the concert with one of my good friends from when I was like born. Two years ago we were supposed to go to a Kenny concert and it didn't turn out quite right, so this was our second chance. It's not how it was planned, but it worked out in the end. It was great. It took everything I had to come back home, and I'll still wondering why I'm in LA and not in UT. I sure hope I figure it out soon. Anyway, here are some pictures of that oh so fun night. And by the way, Dierks Bently can't dance :)

Big Brother

For the past 7 summers I've been addicted to Big Brother. It's seriously sick how much I like to watch these people live in a house and eat slop all summer long. But for some reason I find it fascinating. And when I miss a show I can watch it at online, so really I can never miss an episode. Just so wrong. Anyway, that's my Big Brother rant. I don't know what I need to tell y'all, so if you got some questions about the summer let me know and I'll blog about it, but if not this is going to be all about school and how much I miss UT.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

I'm Back

To all my faithful readers:
I'm sorry I'm such a slacker. I moved to Louisiana on May 15, 2006 and not once over the last 3 1/2 months did I inform you of my life. But that's about to change. I'm going to start doing this again so y'all can know how I'm doing. I'm not going to bore you and back track and tell you about my life all summer, I'll just start from now. I might have to talk about some cool things, like the Kenny concert, but I'll keep it simple. So get excited and I'll be hitting you with some good stuff, and when I say faithful readers I mean Mary Ruth.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Don't miss me too much but......

I am disconnecting my internet today so I will be unable to update my blog for a bit. I know. I know. Not that I do very often anyways!!! I will be headed home on Monday, much to everyones dismay!! I will fill ya'll in on my cross country adventure when I make it home.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Samantha's Birthday's been a busy past couple of days. On Thursday my mom and I and Sister Bonnette went to Women's Conference at BYU. It was fun. My mom got to see John Bytheway. It made her year. On Friday it was MY BIRTHDAY!!! I had so much fun. I went to Special Olympics then to Women's Conference, and then I played. Carole and Linea played with me and my mom. We went to Outback then to Trafalga. We had the greatest time. It was my best 22nd birthday ever! Thanks Carole and Linea for making it so much fun.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Mommy Comes Today

My mom and I are going to attend Women's Conference this year at BYU. And she's coming in today. YEAH!! I love mymom and I'm so excited to see her. We are going to have fun at Women's Conference. And she's cooking a crawfish etoufee tonight, so I'm excited about that too. It's going to be a great 5 days!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Your mom goes to college...

I know that there are a lot of people out there that do not want me talking about this, and quite frankly I'm a little confused at what they're true intentions are anyway, so I have to tell y'all all...I'M GOING TO COLLEGE!!! I found out Thursday that I've been excepted into ULL. I'm way excited. Now I know why I'm going home. It makes it a little easier now. And Friday at work I started training. That was a little odd. It's hitting me. I'm not just quitting. If I were just quitting a job it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm leaving my life as a know it and changing everything, and that's a little scary. But hey, what you going to do? Anyway. I just had to share with everyone that I'm going to go to college. Hopefully this time I'll finish. :)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Chillin' in the Canyon!

Saturday was the most perfect day of the year thus far. We went up to Provo Canyon and had a lovely pinice with hot dogs. It was so beautiful. It was just a pretty day and I got so much accomplished I feel. I got my hair done, bought some socks, went up the canyon, and went to Cabela's. Now that was the sweetest store ever. And Carole got me my birthday gift. Thank you Carole. Carole really is an awesome person. Why someone as cool as her would hang out with a little kid like me, I don't know, but she does and it's great! I love you Carole!!! Alright, here are some pictures of us having fun up the Canyon. Hope everyone had a happy Sunday.

Friday, April 21, 2006


I am the coolest because I am Samantha! I am an exception to the rule because I'm Samantha!! I don't have to wear a hairnet because I am Samantha!! I was asked why I didn't have to wear a hairnet in the kitchen and it's pretty much becaues I'm Samantha and I don't have to. I'm just the coolest. I don't have to do anything I don't want becaxuse I am Samantha. Do you dget the point, I am Samantha and that will never change!!!! And I have to use !! because Carole said so. And I hate text messaging fights.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter. Hope everyone has a good day, and it's a beautiful Sunday here in Utah. Too bad I have to work. I promise I'll try and blog something cool this week. I've been a HUGE slacker.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I don't have a cool title...

5:45 is going to come awful early in the moring. I'm dishwashing this week to earn some extra money, but the only downfall is I have to be at work at 6:45. So of course I have to get up and get ready. I can do it though, I'll just have to take a nap when I get home so I can go in later and cook. It'll be fun. I like dishwashing. It's actually kinda fun, but I like cooking more. Tonight I cooked for Carole and Kristine and Jen. We had catfish, then RMCF. Nice night I thought. I hope everyone had a great time. And isn't country music like the best music ever. That was a random thought, but I'd thought I'd share. Ok, I'm going to bed so I can get up early in the morning. And I did bring my camera tonight, but totally forgot to take pictures. Good night all.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Look what I got!

So a few people in the recent DAY have pointed out to me that he's gay, but I don't care, look at what I got!!! Kenny, Dierks, and Carrie June 21st. I'm so there.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another Countdown...

Days until Samantha turns 22:

29 Days!


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bats, balls, and guys in tight pants...

Last night I played with Carole after a long and exhausting day. It's way to complicated to explain, so I'm just not going to. But to end the night we went to a baseball game and then we went and ate out at Chili's. It was a fun night. I took some pictures:

1.This is me shivering because it was cold and I was wearing shorts.

2.This is a guy's butt.

3.This is the game.

4.This is Carole enjoying her favorite pasttime.

And I figured out why people weren't able to post comments to my blog...I set some kind of blocker. Not quite sure what happened, but I fixed it, so comments are more than welcomed.


Today is April 1st, and it is also the coolest little brother in the world's birthday. Travis is 14 today. So now he can start going to stake dances. How scary is that!? Today was also the state wrestling meet, and because Travis is the greatest he took 1st place. He was so happy, even though I am a little mad at him because he thought it would be funny to call me at 5:30 this morning. News flash: it wasn't funny! But I guess I can forgive him just because he is so darn cute. So congratulations to Travis. I'm so proud of him.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

What's my name?

So I might have stayed a little long in the tanning bed, but that's no reason for Carole to call me names...
1. Pinkie
2. Lobster
What's next Carole? How many can you come up with? Is this funny to you? I'm in pain because my whole body is red and you just keep laughing. I for one am not finding this funny at all. Ok, maybe it is a little. I took two days off from the tanning bed to give my body a rest, but I want to go back so bad. Who's going to be laughing when I have the super nice tan? Huh? Who's going to me laughing then? Me, that's who! So everyone laugh it up now, but you'll see. And if you can think of more names, let me have it...I would love to hear.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's Aaron

His name is Aaron, and we were being funny if the random person really wanted to know.


Who freakin' didn't leave a name...I have a rule about that. LEAVE YOUR NAME OR COMMENT WILL BE DELETED!!!!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

What did you do today?

Well, me...I did a lot. First I went great to go tanning. Then I went spent way to much money on a pair of glasses, because oopies, I broke mine last night. My bad. Then I worked out and played and watched tv and cooked some supper. But then, I went to FHE. FHE was pretty darn cool. We went ice skating up at Seven Peaks Arena. And guess what. I remembered I had a camera. So take a look at us having fun ice skating. Hope y'all all had a happy Monday too.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I have a camera, remember...

Well I don't. I never remember. I go to all these places and I'm like I should take a picture, but without fail, I have forgotten my camera. I just forget I have it I guess. Last night I went to a rodeo up in Ogden and I wanted to take cute pictures of the hot cowboys, and I forgot my camera sitting on my desk. And I always remember it, just not at the right time. Suck! I should strap it to my wrist or something. This might be in the way and all, but at least I would have it when the picture moment arrived.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

So Disturbing!

TV commercials are getting way too out of hand. Like honestly...they are so weird. They're disturbing. It's like I watch it then wonder if I really just saw that. One's that freak me out...Charmin, Cottenell, Lamisil. The little girl in the cottenell commercials does not need to sleep with something soft, and if she does it does not need to be a roll of toilet paper. Freaky. Sorry, some things just freak me out and these days it's like ever single commercial on TV. Tell me what commercials freak you out, because you know that there's one out there.

Not sure what happened...

I changed my format and it turns out that all the links went away. Mary Ruth...maybe when you get done flying around the country you can help me figure out how to fix it. But for now, sorry. But I have to link Melissa's Blog, so since I can't just look at it from here. And when I get the links fixed it will be on the side.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It's never going to end, is it?

Tonight I worked out for free with a friend at Gold's Gym. But in order to work out free I had to do fill out a paper and I kinda put my phone number on it. Now they will never leave me alone will they? I have an appointment to meet with the guy tomorrow at like 8. But I have no intention on buying a membership. I have a gym, and there are no Gold's in LA, so it would be of no use to me. What did I do? All I wanted was a nice little workout at Gold's. No lie, it was really fun. There was tons of stuff to do, but I don't have money like that to spend on a gym membership. AGH! I'm so stupid. And then I smelt the tanning salon. Now that's what I want to go to. I've actually been thinking about tanning, and I totally think I might. It smelt so good. Working out and tanning...that would be the life. And the diet thing, man, I suck. And "In Cold Blood" gives me nightmares. Oh well...stupid Gold's people. How do I get out of this?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Hey Carole

So this post is just for Carole. I'm conducting an experiment. Is my blog an effective way to communicate with people one-on-one? Probably not...but here it goes.
Hey Carole,
We going to try to make the So. Ut-BYU baseball game tomorrow. It starts at 7 and I don't get off until then, but showing up late wouldn't be too big of a deal since the game will last until 9 or 9:30 anyway. Let me know.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Taxes suck. Enough said. Like really, why do we have to pay taxes? I just don't get it. But tax returns can be good if you are lucky enough to get a return. I've filed my taxes for years now and have never gotten over $100 back. Kinda sucks. Work hard, give the government all my money and they give me a lousy $100 back. Well guess what...not anymore. Last year I worked my butt off and my dad helped me out and I'm getting slighty more than $100 back this year. I don't want to say how much I'm getting back, but this will make me very happy. I'll be able to pay for school with a little more saving. Maybe I like taxes. The verdict is still out, but it's looking good for them. And you know what..."Desperate Housewifes" is kinda a good show. I think I might start watching it.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I know, I'm a day late, but do you really think I care? No, I don't. But Happy St. Patrick's Day anyway. Yesterday the resident's had a party and they were making hats. It was so much fun. I don't know how to make hats, and I really don't like them, so I made a cool bandana. It was pretty sweet if I do say so myself. Travis just beat the girl in wrestling...GO TRAVIS! I'm getting Kenny tickets today, so it's official. I'm making a trip up to UT in June...and I said I was never going to come back, at least for a while anyway. Oh well, Kenny changed my mind. I'm going to sit up at the temple today just to admire the sights and read my scriptures. I just need to relax a little, and I'm going with a friend. It should be a fun time, but then I have to go into work. It's my weekend, but I really don't mind. I actually kind of like working Saturdays. It's fun. It still don't like working Sundays, and I don't like I ever will. But Saturdays are cool. And next weekend a rodeo. I think I have a great life. Like I told my mom. I'm single, 21, and just having fun. It's the time to have fun right? I mean I want to find a guy and get married, SURE, but it's not happening right now so I'm just going to have fun and enjoy life. And if anyone was wondering about my diet I ask you...what diet? It's been pretty bad. I think I gained all my weight back, but I'm still working out, so that's a good thing I guess. I just decided that food was a too good of a thing to pass up. Lance says hi...I think he's just tapping at the side because he sees me and he wants food, but guess what...I'm not going to give him any right now, so I'll interpret the tap as a hello. Alright, I'm off for now. I know I'm slacking in the updating department so I'll try and get better. Good day all.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Look, new link

It has been brought to my attention that I need to add a new link to my sidebar. So everyone please take the time to visit Mr. Keith's site. But Mr. Keith isn't coming to UT on June 21 with Mr. Dierks and Ms. Carrie...only Mr. Kenny is doing that. That's why I'm making one last trip to UT in June...just to see my man rock USANA! But I do like to make others happy so I will add the link.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Carpet Cleaning Fools

Really, do you need your carpets cleaned at 9 in the morning? Samantha likes to sleep at 9 in the morning, but I swear, at least once a week someone is getting their carpets cleaned. If you would just be more careful and not dirty them so much then you wouldn't need to clean them so often and maybe I could get a little sleep around here. And also, totally different subject, looks like I might be heading back to UT. But only for a day (don't get too excited some of you). I told Carole that if Kenny came to town and she got me tickets then I'd come back for the concert. Guess what...Kenny is coming to town! He will be in Lafayette, LA on April 21st and I'll still be here, so therefore I will miss it. But he'll be at USANA on June 21st. So I already started looking up prices to get here on the 20th or 21st and leave the 22nd. Maybe if Carole is lucky I'll stay a couple of extra days and make a rodeo. I think Lehi Roundup is that weekend. So yeah, I thought I was getting away from Utah and looks like I have to make one more trip. Good luck Carole on getting me tickets...I LOVE KENNY!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Old Friends are the best!

Tonight I was able to get together with some girls from back home and the coolest person ever (no, not you Kristine), Mary Ruth! It was so awesome to see her. She's so great. She's just amazing and I was so happy to see her. And when I move home this summer I'm going to go up and see her more. I love knowing her and being able to say that she is my friend. Here's a picture to show what a great time I had. And today I had Sam Hawk and I saw "Failure to Launch"...pretty much it was a great day. Too bad I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm reading another book. Did I ever tell y'all that the last one I read was "The DaVinci Code"? Well I did. And now I'm reading "In Cold Blood". And I learned that people are reading my blog, so I might have to watch what I talk about. I'm going home in 2 months. I can't believe it. I wish I would hear from UL-L soon. Can anyone get me a job? I need to renew my gym membership, someone remind me to do that. I like Kristine's scale because it said I lost like 10lbs., but I totally didn't. I'm thirsty...maybe I'll go get something to drink. Melissa took some test today and I know she is freaking out about them but I'm sure she did great. She really is like the smartest person I know. I decided that my life is pretty grand. I think I have it pretty good. Yeah me I say, yeah me. Alright...I need to go and watch the weather. Need to know that it's not quite spring, but (from personal experience) if you wear spring clothes you can pretend. Have a great night all, and sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I promise if my life were more exciting the blogs would be too. -Samantha

I got a golden ticket...

Ok, actually it's just a ribbon, but it's so cool. On Friday I played volleyball with some of the people from Mesa Vista and we didn't get a cool medal, but we did get a cool ribbon. It so rocks. Just look at it. It's like the coolest thing EVER. Ok, not quite, but pretty close. I had so much fun playing volleyball. I love the residents and special olympics are cool. Everyone should support special olympics.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mary Ruth is coming to town!

I am so happy...this weekend I get to see Mary Ruth. She's coming to Provo to visit her parents and I get to see her. That makes me so happy. Now that's all I'm looking forward to is seeing her. That is so going to make my weekend. I am so excited. I can't stop saying that. I'm just so happy to see Mary Ruth. She is like the coolest person ever. She's just amazing and I'm glad that I get to spend a little time with her. I know this weekend is going to rock! This picture is from last year's get together.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Phase 10 ROCKS!

Phase 10 is like the coolest game ever. I literally think I'm addicted. It is so much fun. Growing up I wasn't a big game person, but since I've lived out here I'm gotten into a little more. I like card games and Phase 10 is hands down my favorite. It's like crazy. Last night I didn't get home until after 2 because we had insane games of Phase 10 keeping us up. Then tonight I played again. I'm a viscous player too. I take everything all personal and I want to kick your butt if you screw me over. And last night a girl was telling me that I should learn new games, but I don't think I want to...Phase 10 'til the day I die. Anyway...hope everyone had a happy Monday. I'm down 7lbs., so go me. The Oscars were on last night and I like the Oscars. I was glad that Reese Witherspoon won. "Walk the Line" is up there with my favorite movies, but for some reason nothing is beating out "Dirty Dancing". Has anyone ever done yoga? I thought it might be fun to try. Teach me to breathe better and be more flexible and stuff. I might give it a try or something. I'm so excited that my mom is coming out here in May. We are going to have so much fun. I still haven't heard from UL-L. I hope to hear from them soon though. I really want to go back to school. School is fun. Oh...I helped out some residents from work at Special Olympics on Saturday. They went bowling. It totally was like the most fun thing I ever did. It was so awesome. And everyone there was a better bowler than me. So sad. But yeah, it was so much fun and it made me realize that going to school and majoring in recreational theraphy is totally want I want to do...good thing that's what I decided a while back. My life is good now and I'm happy for that. I think knowing what is right and who I am has helped me so much and has made my life good. The Church is the best thing ever, and that's why I am so happy today, because when all is said and done I know where I'm going and what's ahead for me in the next life. Alright, enough of me. I'm's late. I'm going to bed now. Have a good week, and I promise I'll get better at updating. Just nothing too exciting I guess.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Here's the deal...

I've been real sick. I know I haven't updated in a while, but I haven't been feeling well. I finally made it to the gym last night for the first time since Saturday. I did pretty well. I actually ran for like 5 minutes on the treadmill, after the workout. I can barely run 30 seconds, so 5 minutes was a big accomplishment. The pool is being used for I don't know what this whole week, or I think I can use part of it, but I just decided it would probably be best just to go next week. Have I told you I love swimming. It's so much fun. And I achieved my weight loss goal for February. I lost 5lbs. and my goal for March is 7lbs. I swear everyone at work is on a diet, but it's a good thing because we kind of help each other out. This Saturday is Special Olympic bowling and I'm so excited to go and help out and watch. It's going to be so much fun. I have to work this weekend...but oh well. Next weekend I might go riding horses again. So much fun. Makes me want a horse one day. My friend Jen is getting married and it turns out that I am invited to the wedding, so here is the news everyone has been waiting for.
Crazy huh? I'm moving home on May 16th. My dad is coming up to get me and we are taking me and all my stuff home. I applied to go to UL-L, but I haven't heard back from them yet. If I get in then I guess I'll go to school. If I don't get in then I guess I'll just get a job or something. I, for some reason, want to work at Academy. Wouldn't that be so much fun? So yeah, that's my big news, I'm leaving Utah and heading back to Louisiana. Maybe there I'll find a husband. Highly unlikely though. :( Sad day. Anyway. So it's a done deal I guess, I've posted it, that makes it a done deal. Alright, I'm going to go and get ready for work. Everyone have a great Friday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Mardi Gras

Hi Everyone! Happy Mardi Gras. Today is Mardi Gras and I have to go to work. Growing up it was a holiday, apparently only in Louisiana though. My mom sent me some King Cakes and I'm sharing them with everyone. They are so good. Mardi Gras is a cool holiday, and New Orleans is back. So I just wanted everyone to have a great Mardi Gras and don't have too much fun.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Outback and RMCF all in one day!

Yesterday I had one of the most fun days ever. I began the day with a nice work out in the pool. I'm telling you, swimming is awesome. Then Kristine and I went and watched "Walk the Line". This could possibly be one of my favorite movies. It was so good. Then we decided that in celebration of something we should eat at Outback. was so good. Have I ever told you that I love Outback? And I finally got my caramel apple. The day was just amazing. And today I went to church and I'm off, so I get a nap. This weekend is getting better and better every second. :) I like my weekends off.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Why Does This Town Shut Down So Freakin' Early

Last night Kristine and I went and saw "Firewall" with Harrison Ford. The movie was alright, I would maybe recommend it. My opinion of it is still up in the air. Afterwards we were going to go get a caramel apple at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory...pretty much the greatest place on earth, second to only Outback. We were SOOOO excited. So the movie starts at 7, it should end before 10 right because that was time RMCF closes...or so we thought. So movie ends right at 9, we get in the van, and venture the 100 whole yards down the street. We stop, get out, and yes, you guess it...THEY'RE CLOSED!!! They closed at 9, not 10. We were 3, count them 3, minutes late. Seriously. The town shuts down at 9 o'clock. The ice cream place was closed to. The only place open was I-HOP, and that's not even in Provo, it's in Orem. Maybe this is the reason I'm running away. Just makes me so angry. It's like as soon as you get free minutes on your cell phone everything else goes downhill. AGH! Alright, so goal of the weekend...Get a caramel apple at the RMCF!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'm Stealing Mary Ruth's Idea

Mary Ruth had on her blog her super hero powers and wanted to know what everyone else would have as theirs. So I decided it would be fun to know what powers everyone wished they had. In all honesty I have no idea what powers I would want. Probably fly, and maybe be strong. Being rich would be cool too, but is that a power. I dunno, whatever. Anyway, tell me what cool powers you would have and maybe we could all get together and be Captain Planet or something.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Just For The Record...

...Melissa has declared me the winner! :)

Melissa, I totally won!!!

I wanted to show all y'all my work out today. And I totally won a bet. I guess kinda though. I was supposed to walk in and out of the gym with my swimsuit, but I wasn't going just to swim, but I still won!!! Take a look:

Saturday, February 18, 2006

They're Moving In

So the floors are in and some furniture was delivered today. Yep, my family is starting to move in. My mom hopes by next week they will be in. There will still be things to do, and all of the furniture won't be in for a while, but's getting close. And guess what! I got a "home" too. My uncle is letting me use his camper to live in, and my mom says it's nice. I think that's pretty cool. So it looks like things are working out. The diet thing is going. I WANT A COKE!!! I'm strong though, maybe...the night's not over yet. And 8 minute abs is killing me, but I'll be ok. Yeah, alright, just wanted to say hi. I did this thing today and probably in a few days I'll have a new shirt. This website took words from my blog and made a shirt. It's pretty cool. The website is called I must say I was pretty impress even though I did change a few words. But hopefully I'll get a cool shirt out of it. Anyway...I need to get ready for Sunday. Goodnight everyone.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day 2

Yesterday I started the big diet thing or whatever you want to call it. I think so far I'm doing pretty well. I started running, or doing cardio, and I've been back to the gym twice now. I got this ab video that I did my freshman year out here and I'm going to start doing it again. It seemed to work 3 1/2 years ago. I'm trying to eat better and yesterday I went shopping for better foods, but I think this one is going to be hard. And the biggie...I haven't had a coke since Tuesday. Last time I gave up cokes I could only have them on weekends, and I'm going to adopt that rule, but still try not to have one. I have a friend at work who is also doing this diet thing with me. And I didn't snack today or yesterday at work...that's a big accomplishment too. So yeah, I just wanted to let y'all know how I was doing. I'll begin updating, especially if good process is being made.


I just want to tell everyone how cool my little sister is. Her name is Alayna and she is 10 years old. She'll be 11 in May. She an awesome artist, and currently is painting in downtown Lake Charles. For the past 4 years I haven't been around her as much as I would like, and she's growing up so fast. I swear I wasn't like that when I was in the 5th grade. Hopefully soon though I'll be able to be around her a lot. Here is a cute picture of her. I love you Alayna.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Weight Loss Goals

So I've decided that I definitely need to lose weight, and I need y'alls help. If I give myself goals and tell only me, then I'll never follow through with them. But if I tell someone, and y'all ask me how I'm doing and stuff, then I'll do them because I don't want to fail to others. So here are my goals and you have to help me with it.

1. Work out 3x/week

2. No eating after 9:30 p.m.
(time will move up over time, need to start small)
3. Eat moderate portions, "better"foods

4. Run 3x/week

5. Drink water, and plenty of least 64oz./day
And probably the hardest one of all....

6. NO MORE COKES (unless it's a special occasion, or I really, really need one)

My end goal is to lose about 30 lbs. and fit comfortably into my size 10 jeans. Short term goal is do like Melissa said and lose 5 lbs. by Feb. 24. That can't be that hard right? It's like 1/2 lb. a day. I think it's doable, so I'm going to try. Wish me luck everyone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Word of the Day

So I've been meaning to do this for like a week now, but I keep forgetting. I'm putting up a word of the day, and I challenge everyone to use it at least once this week in it's correct meaning. "Gilmore Girls" is like the coolest show, I swear. And it's just so dang funny. The stuff they come up with is just plain hilarious. So last week Paris used the word putsch. Kristine and I were so curious as to what putsch meant we looked it up.
Putsch (pooch) noun: a sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government
sometimes capitalized has more information if you want to look it up.
Kristine and I thought this was the funniest word, especialy because Paris had used it towards Rory after she had been overthrown as the editor of the Yale Daily News. Great stuff the writes come up with over there. Putsch...who knew? I sure didn't.

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone who actually has a date tonight has a wonderful time. As for me, well you know. I pretty much have a date with work and "Gilmore Girls". I think pizza with Kristine might be in the plans too. I hate Valentine's Day. I think it's pretty much stupid. It's just another day that reminds me that I don't have anyone. NO ONE!!! I can't even get a date much less a boyfriend to have around on that sucky day of Feb. 14th. Whatever. Utah sucks. Now I'm just rambling. And I watched "The bachelor" tonight and he had like 3 women. What the crap is that about? I don't know, but I do know that until I get a date or a boyfriend or a husband I am going to be very, very bitter towards anyone who has one of those three things. :)

Also, I cleaned Lance and Andre up today and I hadn't noticed before but Lance has grow so much more than Andre. It's kinda weird. If you didn't know my dad had this "turtle pond" and he harvested the eggs and hatched them and all and last August he gave me two turtles. They are pretty cool, but the one has grown almost twice as much as the other's pretty cool to see them and notice that they totally have personalities and's pretty sweet. I love my turtles!

Monday, February 13, 2006

I know...I'm a slacker

Man, I'm really starting to suck at this. I'm getting no good. I let days go by without letting y'all know what I'm up to. I could be going crazy for all y'all know. Well, I guess I'll give a little update. But really, nothing has been going on. Yesterday I went horseback riding again with some cool friends. I was so much better this time. I even did it myself. David didn't have to guide me around like a little kid. I was quite impressed with myself, I must say. So look how cool everyone looked. And Lacy and Carole said they wouldn't ride...but they totally did. How sweet is that. So here we all are, just chillin'. We are so cool.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Road to March Madness

I've really started to enjoy college sports since I've started college. My two favorite schools are BYU (because I went there) and LSU. I tend to like boys sports more than girls, and even though March Madness usually refers to Men's Basketball, I decided to use it to describe Women's Basketball. I like the Lady Tigers of LSU and tonight they played a big rival, the Lady Vols of Tennessee. And guess what...LSU won 72-69. Hopefully LSU will make it into the finals this year. Last year they lost in the Final Four. Ok, so I know this wasn't the most blog-worthy post, but I really have nothing else to talk about. My life is getting more boring by the moment. I do have plans for that's cool I guess. Tonight's "ER" looks good, so I'm excited to watch it. I'm a little tired too, so maybe I'll go to bed soon also. I hope everyone has a good day. I'll be back later if anything exciting should present itself.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I saw this blog once...

And this guy kept track of his weight loss for all the world to see. Maybe this is what I should start doing. I can tell all y'all how much I weigh and then I'll let y'all know what I'm doing to lose the weight and then y'all can cheer me on and stuff. I seriously have to do something. It's getting way out of hand. If y'all could give me ideas on how to lose weight then tell me because I need all the help I can get. I have to take control of my life and change. Maybe I'll lose some weight, maybe not, but hopefully I can. Ok, enough about me. Happy Monday all. I cleaned again today, and now my room and apt look nice. I like it when I clean. I hope Melissa (Rasberry) did well on her exam today. I know she probably did. I put Rasberry because turns out Flores is also posting under the name Melissa. Too many of y'all, I swear. Anyway...I get paid Friday. Y'all just don't know how excited I am about that. My pocket is running kinda low. I had to bum detergent off of a friend today. How sad is that? Oh well. Mardi Gras is coming up and I want to have a party. So maybe I will. You know what's a cool show...The Gaunlet 2. So since that's a cool show and it comes on in a little bit I'm going to go now and get ready to watch it. So I'll talk to y'all later.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Sad News

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Lance Armstrong. I think he's a pretty swell guy. I like what he's doing for cancer research, and despite what some of y'all think of him, he's not all that bad. Well on Friday he announced that him and Sheryl Crow have spilt. Ok, this isn't really sad news, but I thaught it was somewhat of a bummer. I really thought those two were going to make it. Oh well. Guess that just means he's available for me :)! Have a good Saturday all.

Lance Armstrong

Friday, February 03, 2006

My New Favorite Band

They're not my favorite favorite because everyone knows that Kenny is my favorite, but these guys are pretty cool. Melissa introduced them to me, and now I listen to them all the time. I dowloaded a bunch of their stuff and made my own cool cd and I listen to them at work. They rock. I think everyone should give them a listen at least once. Cross Canadian Ragweed is pretty sweet. Check them out.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I've Been Tagged...

So Mary Ruth tagged me the other day and now I will finally respond to it...

What were you doing 10 years ago?

I was in the 6th grade at Cameron Elementary. My little sister was just born and we were getting ready to go to the Dallas Temple to be sealed together as a family.

What were you doing one year ago?

Working at Veg Prep...the coolest place ever...and going to BYU and hating it. I might have been going to classes, but all along I knew I was going to drop out. But for the most part enjoying life. Actually, it's been about a year to the date when I went to Seattle. That was fun.

Five snacks that you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):

1. Sunflower seeds
2. Kool-Aid
3. Cool Ranch Doritos
4. Kit-Kats
5. nice refreshing Coca-Cola!!!

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Oh man...where do I start...
1. I Stand All Amazed
2. Most Kenny Chesney songs, and when I say most I pretty much mean all
3. Carried Away by George Strait (my all-time favorite song)
4. You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
5. If it's on K-Bull I probably know it

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. Help my parents pay for their new home
2. Buy myself a new car
3. Pay for school
4. Give some away...why not?
5. Set myself up. I probably won't spend as much as a would save.

Five bad habits:

1. Gossiping
2. Staying up way too late and getting up way to late in the morning
3. Procrastinating
4. Being too messy
5. Not doing what I should be doing

Five things you like doing:

1. Cooking
2. Playing on the computer
3. Watching T.V. and movies
4. Working out
5. Hanging out with friends

Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:

1. A Saturn
2. The chicken Pox
3. Blue nail polish
4. School uniforms
5. A tennis racket

Five favorite toys:

1. Digital camera
2. Softball glove
3. My car
4. My T.V.
5. My computer

Five people you are tagging?

It's so sad, but I don't know anyone to if you read this and you want to be tagged, then have at it.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Testimony

So I had the need to tell everyone my testimony. I'm not really sure why, but I had a really cool night last night. I think I learned a lot in my own personal study. For people out there reading this, this is my beliefs and what I know to be true. Don't think I'm forcing my religion on you, but I just felt like I needed to tell y'all this, just in case anyone ever wondered what I believed.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true and living church upon the earth today. I have a testimony of Joseph Smith. At the young age of 14 he was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and he restored the Gospel in this dispensation. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It's an account of people on the American continent. I have a testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that through prophets today revelation is still on the earth, and I know that President Gordon B. Hinckley is the living prophet today that leads and guides His church. I love my family and I know that one day we will be together forever. I'm happy to know that one day I can go through the temple. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and so does his son Jesus Christ. I truly believe if I live the right way I will be able to return the them one day.

So this is what I know to be true. If you are interested in things I believe either clicke the link on the side, or click here. It's a summary of this that our church believes, but does not include everything we believe. I hope everyone can find strength in my testimony, and maybe one day I will know why I was prompted to share it with y'all.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Oh no...

OH NO!!!...Mary Ruth tagged me. What does this mean, what do I do? I was just comfortably reading Mary Ruth's blog and at the bottom it had a list of people she had tagged. I was on it. So unexpected. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I guess I'm supposed to answer those questions, so I'll think about it and maybe answer tomorrow. I have to get over the shock of being tagged first.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Look at ME!!!

So hey, look what I did today. I was a cowgirl! Ok, not really. It turned out I was scared to death, but hopefully next time I'll do better. I wouldn't let David let go of the rope. In fact, I was so scared to let him take this picture because I thought the horse would take off. David's son Josh was on the other horse and I was on Thunder. The one time I attempted to go by myself the horse wigged out on me and I got scared again. I'm going to have to go again when it's not as cold. It was so flippin' cold. I really have to apologize for being a sissy, but that horse is big, and I think my friend Ryan scared me more when he told me this horrible story, but whatever. The point is that I went out and did something fun, and I liked it. Yeah me...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Night of Fun

So tonight I got the chance to hang out with my good friend Ryan. I met Ryan back in May at my apt. at Ward Prayer. It was the Sunday after my birthday and this random guy told me happy late birthday. I had no idea who this guy was, but he intrigued me, and we've been friends ever since. Tonight I went over to his house and we watched "Lost", a show I have never seen before. I have to admit it was quite interesting, and I might have to watch it again next week. Then...we went to what possibly could be my favorite place on earth...OUTBACK!! Contrary to popular belief it is in fact Outback and not The Outback, and it made me a very happy person tonight. I had a Bloomin' Onion in honor of my mom and Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie. Oh was so good. I think everyone should run out and go to Outback would really make you happy. -Samantha

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Got A Haircut

I got a haircut. And today I had to go fix it so it would be even. And this is me talking to my mom like I always do and chatting with Melissa on the internet.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Things to do in Utah

I'm making a list of things I need to do in Utah before I leave. All I have so far is going to a Jazz game. I need your ideas. Let me know of things I need to do, then I'll make a list and try to do them all. So I guess the list goes like this:
1. Go To Jazz Game
And Melissa, my hair is a little jacked up, so I need to go get it fixed before I post of picture of it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


My life is so super boring, I have nothing to talk about. Today I went to work at 10 to be dishwasher. That was fun, let me tell you. Tomorrow I get to go to church then back to work. I get Monday off and I'm thinking I want to cut my hair...not quite sure yet. Yesterday I did take these pictures and wanted to show you this view. This is why Utah is so beautiful.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Hello Everyone....

Today is Friday. It's been a while. Nothing has been blog worthy. I'm reading a book right now, and I don't read at all, so this is a big accomplishment for me. I still have a little ways to go, but hopefully I'll be finished before the movie comes out. There are some things going on right now, some big things, but I have to figure things out first before I go telling the whole world. Lance and Andre are doing good...and if someone could find me a date, I swear I would owe you for the rest of my life. Work is still great, except tonight is pizza again...and I hate pizza...and guess what next Friday is too...PIZZA! The last time a attempted to make pizza I ended up in WorkMed getting my toe x-rayed. I need to get my hair dried or I'm going to show up to work looking pretty crappy. I haven't been to the gym in a while, and since I don't have a life, maybe I'll go tonight. See ya

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm a Cleaning Machine

So yesterday I was given the opportunity to clean the kitchen at work. I thought, sure, why not. But if you give me a cleaning assignment I'm going to find everything that needs cleaning and try to do the best I can. I left work yesterday at 12:45AM!!! That's right...I'm a cleaning machine. And the sad thing is that I had help most of the time. I spent like 5 hours cleaning, and I still think the kitchen looks like crap. I swear like everytime I turned around something else looked dirty...and I know I didn't get everything, but I can at least say my feet were clean at the end of the night. Anyway...point is I was tired by the time I got home, but the kitchen was somewhat clean, and it made me happy....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

In Regards To The Previous Post

So I had this post up here talking about this thing I went to tonight at Murray High. It was about this civil rights thing and it talked about Rosa Parks more than anything. I had a picture of this guy with some cool shoes. He directed this choir, and he was pretty cool. Someone decided to post an anonymous comment about the Truth of Dr. Martin Luther King. The content of the comment isn't what I didn't like, it was the fact that they were too chicken to even leave a name. The post brought you to this site that degraded MLK. Now if you really wanted to hear my opinions on MLK you should probably call or e-mail me because here is not the place to say them, but come on...if you going to leave a comment like that then at least have the guts to say who you are! You're just plain chicken if you don't.

Here's the deal...

you comment on my post you leave a name..comment gets deleted...simple as that!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Can you guess what I did?

Can anyone guess what I did on this lovely Monday afternoon?

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