Saturday, February 18, 2006

They're Moving In

So the floors are in and some furniture was delivered today. Yep, my family is starting to move in. My mom hopes by next week they will be in. There will still be things to do, and all of the furniture won't be in for a while, but's getting close. And guess what! I got a "home" too. My uncle is letting me use his camper to live in, and my mom says it's nice. I think that's pretty cool. So it looks like things are working out. The diet thing is going. I WANT A COKE!!! I'm strong though, maybe...the night's not over yet. And 8 minute abs is killing me, but I'll be ok. Yeah, alright, just wanted to say hi. I did this thing today and probably in a few days I'll have a new shirt. This website took words from my blog and made a shirt. It's pretty cool. The website is called I must say I was pretty impress even though I did change a few words. But hopefully I'll get a cool shirt out of it. Anyway...I need to get ready for Sunday. Goodnight everyone.

1 comment:

MaryRuth said...

Ok, what? you're living in a camper? where? I know we haven't talked in a couple of weeks but what the heck is going on??

congrats to your family on their new house!!

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