Thursday, February 02, 2006

I've Been Tagged...

So Mary Ruth tagged me the other day and now I will finally respond to it...

What were you doing 10 years ago?

I was in the 6th grade at Cameron Elementary. My little sister was just born and we were getting ready to go to the Dallas Temple to be sealed together as a family.

What were you doing one year ago?

Working at Veg Prep...the coolest place ever...and going to BYU and hating it. I might have been going to classes, but all along I knew I was going to drop out. But for the most part enjoying life. Actually, it's been about a year to the date when I went to Seattle. That was fun.

Five snacks that you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):

1. Sunflower seeds
2. Kool-Aid
3. Cool Ranch Doritos
4. Kit-Kats
5. nice refreshing Coca-Cola!!!

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Oh man...where do I start...
1. I Stand All Amazed
2. Most Kenny Chesney songs, and when I say most I pretty much mean all
3. Carried Away by George Strait (my all-time favorite song)
4. You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
5. If it's on K-Bull I probably know it

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. Help my parents pay for their new home
2. Buy myself a new car
3. Pay for school
4. Give some away...why not?
5. Set myself up. I probably won't spend as much as a would save.

Five bad habits:

1. Gossiping
2. Staying up way too late and getting up way to late in the morning
3. Procrastinating
4. Being too messy
5. Not doing what I should be doing

Five things you like doing:

1. Cooking
2. Playing on the computer
3. Watching T.V. and movies
4. Working out
5. Hanging out with friends

Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:

1. A Saturn
2. The chicken Pox
3. Blue nail polish
4. School uniforms
5. A tennis racket

Five favorite toys:

1. Digital camera
2. Softball glove
3. My car
4. My T.V.
5. My computer

Five people you are tagging?

It's so sad, but I don't know anyone to if you read this and you want to be tagged, then have at it.

1 comment:

MaryRuth said...

Hey thanks for playing the tag game!!!!! It was so fun to read more about you!

and ten years ago you were in sixth grade????? HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!! I"M OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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