Sunday, March 19, 2006


Taxes suck. Enough said. Like really, why do we have to pay taxes? I just don't get it. But tax returns can be good if you are lucky enough to get a return. I've filed my taxes for years now and have never gotten over $100 back. Kinda sucks. Work hard, give the government all my money and they give me a lousy $100 back. Well guess what...not anymore. Last year I worked my butt off and my dad helped me out and I'm getting slighty more than $100 back this year. I don't want to say how much I'm getting back, but this will make me very happy. I'll be able to pay for school with a little more saving. Maybe I like taxes. The verdict is still out, but it's looking good for them. And you know what..."Desperate Housewifes" is kinda a good show. I think I might start watching it.

1 comment:

MaryRuth said...

Hate taxes. We get screwed every year.. no kids, no house.

And I love desperate housewives! Joey and I rented it from Netflix and watched the whole first season in a week. Pretty much rocks.

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